Be Aware of Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can have many serious affects on your body, so check your blood pressure this month and get control of this disease.
May 04, 2016
Jul 29, 2024
Your HealthBeth brings a unique combination of sharp business expertise and women's health insight to her leadership of the organization. Beth has worked in the health care industry for more than 25 years helping to define and drive public education programs on a broad range of women's health issues. She launched and has expanded the brand. As a result of her leadership, HealthyWomen was recognized as one of the top 100 women's health web sites by Forbes for three consecutive years, and was recognized by Oprah magazine as one of the top women's health web sites. HealthyWomen now connects to millions of women across the country through its wide program distribution and innovative use of technology.
Beth is responsible for the business development and strategic positioning of HealthyWomen. She creates partnerships with key health care professionals and consumer groups to provide strategic, engaging and informative award-winning programs. She serves as the organization's chief spokesperson, regularly participating in corporate, non-profit, community and media events. She also is a practicing nurse in maternal child health at Riverview Medical Center- Hackensack Meridian Health, in Red Bank, NJ.
In addition to her nursing degree, Beth holds degrees in political science, business and public administration from Marymount University.
To stay sane, she loves to run and compete in road races. She enjoys skiing and sailing with her husband and young son, and welcoming new babies into the world.
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I love May, when the weather warms and the blooms and green trees and grass make it feel like a new start. It's time to roll up your sleeves—not only because you can get out and begin gardening (if you live in the Northeast, like me), but also for another reason: for the good of your health.
May 5 is officially the National Day of Action: Roll Up Your Sleeves! It's part of the Measure Up/Pressure Down (MUPD), a campaign launched in 2012 by the American Medical Group Association (AMGA) and the American Medical Group Foundation (AMGF) to improve high blood pressure awareness, detection and control.
May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month, and May 5 is the day the MUPD campaign designated to encourage everyone to take action to learn about the importance of blood pressure management.
High blood pressure affects nearly one in three adults and has huge health implications. Because it often has no symptoms, it's sometimes called "the silent killer." Nearly 20 percent of people with high blood pressure don't even know they have it, which is why awareness is so very important.
These are just a few of the many ways uncontrolled high blood pressure can affect your body:
Successful blood pressure control requires a combination of awareness, lifestyle changes and proper use of medications.
Some easy things you can do to keep it under control include losing extra pounds, limiting sodium in your diet, exercising regularly, limiting the amount of alcohol you drink, cutting back on caffeine and reducing stress.
The AMGA/AMGF mission is to improve health and health care. One of the many ways they're doing this is with this program. Their goal is to have 80 percent of patients with high blood pressure attain control of their blood pressure.
In the first two years of the program, they've gotten their message across to over 140 million Americans with the help of 210 participants, including HealthyWomen, along with medical groups, health systems, community organizations, corporate offices and employees. Some of the participating medical groups and health systems include Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Kaiser Permanente and Geisinger Health System.
How can you help?
Here's a checklist from the MUPD campaign with lots of ways organizations can help bring awareness to this important health condition.
As an individual, roll up your sleeves and get your blood pressure measured. If you have high blood pressure, talk to your health care provider about how you can get control of the disease.
And encourage all your friends to roll up their sleeves and have their blood pressure measured. Aside from the office of your health care professional, you can check your blood pressure at many pharmacies or using a reliable monitor at home.
And remember: Testing should be done when you're calm. You also should not exercise close to testing and don't consume caffeine or smoke within 30 minutes of checking your blood pressure. You should not talk or eat during the check, and make sure to sit with your back supported and both feet flat on the floor. Stress, cold temperatures and certain medications may temporarily affect your blood pressure reading.
To learn more on high blood pressure from MUPD, click here.
Read More:
The Silent Killer: One Woman's Story of High Blood Pressure
Know Your Risk for High Blood Pressure
Know Your Blood Pressure Numbers
High Blood Pressure