Should You Give the Green Light to Red Light Therapy?
Celebrities like Katy Perry swear by this hot beauty trend. Here’s what you need to know before trying red light therapy at home.
Celebrities like Katy Perry swear by this hot beauty trend. Here’s what you need to know before trying red light therapy at home.
Somatic exercises, snail mucin and the sleepy girl mocktail. Here’s what you should know and what's worth the hype.
Watch these three videos for expert advice on the menopause experience for gender-diverse and trans people
How to get the most out of a menopause telehealth visit
When it comes to shedding pounds, age factors into the equation. Find out how to counter the ways age works against you.
The big change can be a big plus in the bedroom
Eating these powerful and delicious foods can add a few years to your life. Is the blue zone diet the key to healthy aging?
After a frightening wakeup call, I turned my life around and created the best version of myself
Get the answers to your symptom and treatment questions about genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), formerly known as vaginal atrophy
Obtén respuestas a preguntas relacionadas con los síntomas y tratamientos del síndrome genitourinario de la menopausia (SGUM), conocido anteriormente como atrofia vaginal
The experience of menopause isn’t always universal — your ethnicity, your community, your family and your friends can have an impact on how you feel
As you get older and your metabolism slows, that one glass might feel like much more — and that can be bad news for your overall health
The first step in natural skin care is to take a look at your diet. Incorporate these foods for great skin.
These winter makeup tips will help you look bright, radiant and cheery even in harsh winter weather
HealthyWomen takes on midlife women’s health to make sure no one feels alone
Información relacionada con los síntomas que pueden esperarse durante la perimenopausia, menopausia y posmenopausia
Learn what symptoms can you expect during perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause
Research shows that hot flashes may signal potential health risks years later
Although every woman goes through menopause once they reach a certain age, it can be more difficult for women of color
We don’t really know how HIV impacts aging, since surviving it was nearly impossible a generation ago
I’m working to fight the stigma that leads so many women to being unprepared for the mental and physical changes of menopause
The former president of the North American Menopause Society explains its new position statement on hormone therapy