Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases encompasses conditions of the heart and blood vessels. The term includes heart disease, the number one cause of death in women. READ MORE

Cardiovascular Diseases



Atherosclerosis occurs when your arteries narrow and become less flexible, which happens when plaque collects on the inner walls. READ MORE



High blood cholesterol is a major women's health issue. One in three Americans has high cholesterol, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. READ MORE

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the amount of force your blood exerts against the walls of your arteries. High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when your blood pressure is elevated over time. Left untreated, it can damage your small blood vessels and organs and lead to heart attacks, stroke, kidney failure and circulatory problems. READ MORE



A stroke—also referred to as a brain attack—occurs when a part of the brain is injured by a disturbance to its blood supply. READ MORE

Woman holding red heart organs

FAQs About Heart Valve Disease

You’ve heard of heart disease, but heart valve disease is on the rise. Learn about the risk factors and screening options for this deadly condition.

Are You at Risk for Heart Disease?

Are You at Risk for Heart Disease?

Heart disease doesn't just affect men — it's also the #1 killer of women in the U.S.

Doctor talks with patient about healthcare options

Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About High Triglycerides

Triglycerides are the often forgotten or ignored numbers in a cholesterol panel. But cardiologist Nieca Goldberg, M.D., says we need to pay attention.

senior woman receiving medical examination at doctor's office.

The Intersection of Heart Disease, Diabetes and Stroke

Reducing your risk of one could reduce the risk of the others

Page with word triglycerides and glasses.

Triglycerides 101: What They Are and Why They Matter

High triglyceride levels are linked to heart and pancreatic problems, but there are things you can do to lower your risk

Page with word triglycerides and glasses.

Introducción a los triglicéridos: Qué son y por qué son importantes

Niveles altos de triglicéridos se asocian a problemas cardiacos y pancreáticos, pero hay cosas que puedes hacer para reducir tu riesgo

Open packaging with drugs tablets, on which is written "Statin Medication", lies near stethoscope, result analysis on cholesterol (lipid panel) and ECG

Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs 101

Learn about the different types of medication for high cholesterol

What’s Your Number?

What’s Your Number?

Cholesterol testing is important, easy — and can save your life

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