Sexual Dysfunction

A woman's sexuality is a complex interplay of physical and emotional responses that affects the way she thinks and feels about herself. A sexual problem can hurt her personal relationships and her self-esteem. Yet, many women hesitate to talk about their sexuality with their health care professionals, and many health professionals are reluctant to begin a discussion about sexuality with their patients. READ MORE

Sexual Dysfunction

Collection of different types of sex toys

Accessible Sex Toys for Women with Limited Mobility

Mobility issues? These toys can help during solo adventures and partner sex.

Female Sexual Dysfunction: Talk About It and Get Help

Female Sexual Dysfunction: Talk About It and Get Help

Women's sexual problems are too often discounted as mental or emotional. Talk to your health care professional to get the help you need and deserve.

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Good Sex with Emily Jamea: Understanding Sex Addiction

Sure, there are some characters from some of our favorite shows and some celebs out there who claim to be sex addicts. But what is sex addiction, really?

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Good Sex with Emily Jamea: The Female Orgasm Is Elusive — But Not Unattainable

We can show you how to get there. Read these 5 how-to tips for having orgasms.

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MS and Sex: How Multiple Sclerosis Can Affect Intimate Relationships

MS can affect your love life. Here’s what you need to know.

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La EM y el sexo: En qué forma la esclerosis múltiple puede afectar las relaciones íntimas

La EM puede afectar tu vida romántica. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber.

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How Uterine Conditions Can Affect Your Sex Life

Many women with uterine conditions deal with pain and bleeding during sex — here are ways to navigate discomfort and have more intimacy with your partner

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Good Sex with Emily Jamea: What Is the Coital Alignment Technique?

You don’t have to be a member of Cirque du Soleil to enjoy this sexual position

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Menopause Can Be a Real Pain in the Vagina

But it doesn't have to be. Check out these products that provide relief for genitourinary syndrome of menopause (also known as vaginal atrophy).

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Good Sex with Emily Jamea: Sex During Menopause Can Be Hot, Hot, Hot

Menopause symptoms may not be sexy, but you can still have great sex during menopause. Here’s how to increase your sex drive during menopause.

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