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Real Women, Real Stories

Tricia Marciel

It Wasn’t Stage Fright. I Was Having a Heart Attack at Age 39.

Like many people, I thought I was too young to have a heart attack — but it can happen to anyone

Karen North, R.N., BSN

I Was Still Healing from a Double Mastectomy When I Was Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer

Having two cancers back-to-back tested my mental and physical strength, but now I lead a survivor group for the LGBTQIA+ community

 Sarah Akhunji, M.D.

Hypothyroidism Caused Serious Problems for My Body and My Mind

I didn’t know my thyroid could have such a big impact on my health overall

 Leah Phillips

Doctors Shrugged Off My Cough Because I Wasn’t a Smoker — but I Had Stage 4 Lung Cancer

I’m not the only never smoker with lung cancer, and physicians need to do better

 Leah Phillips

Doctores ignoraron mi tos porque no fumaba, pero tenía cáncer pulmonar de etapa 4

No soy la única persona con cáncer pulmonar que nunca fumó y los médicos deben hacer un mejor trabajo

Irene Mattone

The First Holiday Without My Dad Was Hard, but Family Support Helps

I’ve learned that talking about loss and being together makes the holidays easier for my family

Jearlean Taylor

I Became a Cancer Survivor at Age 3

Life after cancer is all I’ve known. I’ve tried to use my story to make a difference for others.

Robin Finn

Grief and Loss Are Different When You’re the Caregiver

After years of blaming myself, writing and grief therapy helped me move forward after my mother’s death

Katie Finley

Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer Means the Pandemic Isn’t 'Over' for Me

The world may have moved on from Covid, but I’m still fighting to keep myself safe from the virus

I'm Proud to Be the Founder of Moms on Mushrooms

I'm Proud to Be the Founder of Moms on Mushrooms

Microdosing mushrooms has helped me heal from trauma and be more present in my life. Now, I'm helping other moms learn about the benefits of microdosing.

Margie Wilson

My Endometrial Cancer Hid in Menopause

Spotting during menopause isn’t normal. Nobody ever told me that, so I’ve dedicated my life to educating women about critical uterine health issues.

Margie Wilson

Mi cáncer endometrial se mantuvo oculto durante la menopausia

Manchados durante la menopausia no es algo normal. Nadie me dijo eso, así que dediqué mi vida a concientizar a mujeres acerca de asuntos críticos relacionados con la salud uterina.