Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine or the rectum, and is often called colorectal cancer. READ MORE

Colon Cancer

Woman using phone while using the bathroom

DIY: Hemorrhoids Self-Care

Learn about the different ways you can help prevent painful hemorrhoids and how to get rid of hemorrhoids at home

female patient of African-American ethnicity, having an annual medical check-up with a senior male Caucasian doctor

Can Racial Bias Limit Access to Colon Cancer Screening and Treatment for Women of Color?

Black patients could be less likely to get screening referrals that could lower colon cancer mortality rates

female patient of African-American ethnicity, having an annual medical check-up with a senior male Caucasian doctor

¿Pueden prejuicios raciales restringir el acceso a examinaciones y tratamientos de cáncer de colon para mujeres de color?

Los pacientes de raza negra pueden tener menos posibilidades de que les refieran a examinaciones que podrían reducir las tasas de mortalidad del cáncer de colon

How Fiber Can Reduce Your Risk for Colorectal Cancer

How Fiber Can Reduce Your Risk for Colorectal Cancer

What you need to know to get enough fiber in your diet

En qué forma la fibra puede reducir tu riesgo de cáncer colorrectal

En qué forma la fibra puede reducir tu riesgo de cáncer colorrectal

Lo que debes saber para recibir suficiente fibra en tu dieta

Sad ethnic woman crying on pouf in apartment

The Connection Between Young Adults and Colon Cancer

Here’s a look at why younger adults are being diagnosed with colon cancer and how they can lower their risk

Sad ethnic woman crying on pouf in apartment

La conexión entre adultos jóvenes y el cáncer de colon

Echaremos un vistazo a la razón por la cual adultos más jóvenes están recibiendo diagnósticos de cáncer de colon y cómo se puede reducir su riesgo

No If, Ands or Butts: All Things Colon Cancer – Webinar

No If, Ands or Butts: All Things Colon Cancer – Webinar

Watch this webinar as leading experts discuss symptoms, risk factors and screening guidelines for colon cancer

Carole Motycka

I Walked into the ER with a Shoulder Injury — I Left with a Colon Cancer Diagnosis and 6 Months to Live

As a colon cancer survivor turned advocate, I see the role luck, self-advocacy and privilege played in my diagnosis and treatment

Ask the Expert: Colorectal Cancer

Ask the Expert: Colorectal Cancer

Fola May, M.D., an associate professor of medicine at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and a gastroenterologist answers questions about colorectal cancer, screening, how to find a provider and more

Mature woman contemplating at home, looking out the window

Who’s Most at Risk for Colorectal Cancer?

African Americans and Ashkenazi Jews face a higher risk of colorectal cancer. A growing number of young women might also be at risk.

Mature woman contemplating at home, looking out the window

¿Quién tiene mayor riesgo de cáncer colorrectal?

Los afroamericanos y los judíos asquenazí tienen un mayor riesgo de cáncer colorrectal. Una cantidad cada vez más grande de mujeres también podría tener riesgo.

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