real women real stories

Margie Wilson

My Endometrial Cancer Hid in Menopause

Spotting during menopause isn’t normal. Nobody ever told me that, so I’ve dedicated my life to educating women about critical uterine health issues.

 Stephanie Walker

My “Small” Cancer Turned Out to Be Stage 4 Breast Cancer

After my shocking diagnosis, I turned to advocacy work to help shine a light on the lack of research regarding women of color and stage 4 breast cancer

Jenna Scott

I Was "Too Young" to Have Colon Cancer

When I was 29, I was told my symptoms were from pregnancy — but a year later, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer

Jenna Scott

Era “demasiado joven” para tener cáncer de colon

Cuando tenía 29 años, me dijeron que mis síntomas eran de un embarazo, pero un año después, me diagnosticaron cáncer de colon de etapa 4

Ginevra Liptan, M.D.

It Wasn’t Just a Pain in the Neck. It Was Fibromyalgia.

After years of chronic pain, I finally found answers. Now I’m helping others find relief.

woman outdoors in the city wearing red dress full length portrait rear view.

After a Traumatic Vaginal Birth Two Years Ago, I Live with Bladder Leakage

It’s a common problem, but that doesn’t make it less embarrassing for me

woman going to toilet

Bladder Leakage Can Feel Like a Full-Time Job, but I Know I'm Not Alone

Pads, pelvic floor therapy and public restrooms are helping me manage this common condition

Lindsey Geddes

After Years of Living with Postpartum Bladder Leakage, I Was Able to Successfully Treat It

Postpartum bladder leakage is very common — but that doesn’t mean you have to accept it


Taking Charge of My Finances Gave Me Strength During Loss

I learned to be financially independent during the toughest time of my life


Tomé control de mis finanzas y me dio fuerza durante una pérdida

Aprendí a ser financieramente independiente en el momento más difícil de mi vida

Kelly Miyahara, mom and sister

My Sister, My Mom and I Were All Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Within 18 Months of Each Other

It turned out a secret was lurking in my genes: Most of my family has a BRCA2 gene mutation

Julie Raeburn

As a Mom, I Always Put My Needs Last – Until Stage 4 Colon Cancer Showed Up

It feels strange to say, but I’m healthier now than I’ve ever been

Kelly Miyahara, mom and sister

A mi hermana, a mi mamá y a mí nos diagnosticaron cáncer de mama en un plazo de 18 meses

Al parecer, un secreto se ocultaba en mis genes: La mayoría de mis familiares tienen una mutación genética BRCA2

mia love live

I’m Turning Anxiety into Art

Through live shows and social media, I put the spotlight on mental health and my experience as a Black woman living with anxiety

Gabbie, 2024

There’s Nothing Normal About Uterine Fibroids

My heavy bleeding, anemia and severe pain were dismissed as normal for more than 30 years. Unfortunately, it’s a common experience for many Black women with fibroids.

Alyson McNutt English

POTS Stole My Energy and Everything That Made Me, Me

Now I’m finding ways to feel like myself again

Cynthia Toussaint

When It Came to My Breast Cancer, I Did It My Way

Doctors told me there was just one way to treat my breast cancer. But with my complex medical condition, I knew I’d have to forge my own path.

Cynthia Toussaint

Manejé mi cáncer de mama a mi manera

Los doctores me dijeron que solo había una forma de tratar mi cáncer de mama. Pero con mi trastorno médico complejo, sabía que debía tomar mis propias decisiones.

Lisa W. on a boat

Prolapse Changed My Life for the Better

My pelvic organ prolapse was a sign of something much deeper and I’m stronger today because of it

Jessi Mcdonald

Thanks to TikTok, I Was Able to Afford the Anti-Obesity Medication That Changed My Life

I’m grateful for the online discount that helped me get the treatment I needed

Cathy Chester

Encontrar una perspectiva positiva con mi trabajo de concientización médica me ayudó a vivir con EM durante 38 años

Todos los días cuento con apoyo y aprovecho los beneficios de mi comunidad y de mi curiosidad