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Woman Scratching Arm While Experiencing Skin Irritation

Why Are Women of Color More at Risk for Lupus?

Women make up 9 out of 10 lupus cases, but women of color — especially Black women — are more likely to suffer from this autoimmune disease

Woman Scratching Arm While Experiencing Skin Irritation

¿Por qué las mujeres de color tienen más riesgo de lupus?

Las mujeres tienen una incidencia de 9 de cada 10 casos de lupus, pero las mujeres de color, especialmente las mujeres de raza negra, son más propensas a padecer este trastorno autoinmunitario

Living with Lupus

Living with Lupus

There are many ways to manage and treat lupus that help keep symptoms from interfering with daily life

Female doctor listening in comfort during a consultation inside her office

Clinically Speaking: Importance of Clinical Trials in Lupus Research

Anca Askanase, M.D., answers our questions about why clinical trials are so important for treating lupus

Lupus erythematous

FAQs About Lupus

Lupus affects 1.5 million Americans, and 9 out of 10 of them are women. Learn the signs of this tricky autoimmune condition.

Autoimmune diseases-- concept of medical diagnosis in doctor's notes on yellow background

Autoimmune Diseases 101

About 8% of Americans have an autoimmune disease — and nearly 80% of them are women

Purple ribbons toning copy space background

Living With Lupus

Life with lupus can be challenging, but there are things you can do to make it easier

Coronavirus New Strain

Despite Its Disastrous Effects, Covid-19 Offers Some Gifts to Medicine — an Immunology Expert Explains What It Can Teach Us About Autoimmune Disease

Patients with severe Covid-19 infections have symptoms that are similar to autoimmune disorder symptoms, such as blood vessel inflammation, rashes and organ damage

Tichina’s Most Important Role

Tichina’s Most Important Role

Tichina Arnold became a lupus warrior, after her younger sister, Zenay, was diagnosed with the disease

5 Common Autoimmune Diseases That Affect Women

5 Common Autoimmune Diseases That Affect Women

Rates of autoimmune diseases are climbing, and women are disproportionately affected. Learn more about common autoimmune diseases that affect women.

What It's Like in the Depths of Sickness with Lupus

What It's Like in the Depths of Sickness with Lupus

What is it like to live with lupus? In this post, I’m going to share what it was like to be in the depths of my sickness with lupus. I’ll paint a picture of what it was like to be incredibly, chronically ill.

Who Is At Risk For Lupus?

Who Is At Risk For Lupus?

Studies find race, ethnicity, gender and even geography make a difference for this autoimmune disease.



Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, inflammatory disorder of the immune system that affects several body systems simultaneously. READ MORE