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new born baby hand hold mum index finger

Can Living in the U.S. Increase Your Risk of Preterm Birth?

Women in the U.S. are more likely to give birth early compared to women in other developed nations. What makes the U.S. different?

A close-up shot of baby milk formula with a plastic measuring spoon and bottle.

What’s Behind the US Baby Formula Shortage – and How to Make Sure It Doesn’t Happen Again

The shortage will affect some parents more than others. Not surprisingly, the most affected parents are those on the lowest income.

Elisa Seeger and her son Aidan, 2009

I Made a Promise to My Son

In the 10 years since my son died from a treatable condition, I’ve helped pass legislation to save other children — but there’s still work to do

Feet of a newborn baby in the hands of parents

Newborn Screening Saves Lives: What Parents Need to Know

Not all newborns are screened for the same diseases — and that's a problem

beth and conor

Hypertension Forced Me to Have My Baby Preterm. There Were No Warning Signs.

Being 42 years old, I knew I was at a higher risk for pregnancy complications, but this came out of nowhere and turned my world upside down

pregnant woman having a consultation with her doctor about maternal health

Clinically Speaking: Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Provider About Preterm Birth

1 baby in 10 is born too soon in the U.S. each year. Is your baby at risk?

New born baby at hospital with mother

Iron Deficiency Anemia Can Cause Serious Problems for Pregnant Moms and Their Babies

This common condition can lead to postpartum depression and development problems in children if left untreated

Jasmine C.

When Postpartum Depression Hit, I Heard Only the Lies My Depression Told Me

As a pharmacist, I understand medications for depression but I still believed I was too defective for medicine to fix

Nurse checking baby in wellness medical exam

Trying to Avoid Racist Health Care, Black Women Seek out Black Obstetricians

In addition to shared culture and values, a Black physician can offer Black patients a sense of safety, validation and trust

Why the FDA Is Warning Pregnant Women Not to Use Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

Why the FDA Is Warning Pregnant Women Not to Use Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

Here's what you need to know about the new warning against nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs after 20 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy During a Pandemic: the Stress of COVID-19 on Pregnant Women and New Mothers Is Showing

Pregnancy During a Pandemic: the Stress of COVID-19 on Pregnant Women and New Mothers Is Showing

The pandemic has dramatically changed the pregnancy experience and the U.S. may have 500,000 fewer births as a result.

Black Women Turn to Midwives to Avoid COVID and ‘Feel Cared For’

Black Women Turn to Midwives to Avoid COVID and ‘Feel Cared For’

Fear of the pandemic and historically poor outcomes for Black women giving birth in hospitals is fuelling a demand for home births.

black mother breastfeeding her baby

Closing the Racial Gap in Breastfeeding

More Black mothers are choosing to breastfeed and changing the narrative around breastfeeding in the Black community.

New Moms & Babies Are Leaving Maternity Wards Earlier Than Usual Due to Coronavirus

New Moms & Babies Are Leaving Maternity Wards Earlier Than Usual Due to Coronavirus

Here's what you need to know about the Covid-19 pandemic causing moms and newborns to leave the maternity ward earlier than usual.

mother bottle feeding newborn

Infant Feeding Choices: What Parents Are Saying

If you’ve ever felt judged by any of your parenting choices, you’re not alone. Read what 1,202 mothers and caregivers had to say during a recent survey.

5 Self-Care Tips for New Moms That Barely Cost a Thing

5 Self-Care Tips for New Moms That Barely Cost a Thing

But they will make you feel like a million bucks!

Lachey's child Phoenix

RSV: It Can Happen to You

Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, affects most kids under age 2 and may be no more serious than a cold. But for some babies, especially premature ones, it can be deadly.

Pregnant woman with toddler kid outdoors

Overcoming the Fear of Having Another Baby After Postpartum Depression

I watched other new moms bonding with their infants saying it was the best thing that ever happened to them. To me it felt like the worst. But that’s now how my story ends.

Nutrition During Breastfeeding

Nutrition During Breastfeeding

Good nutrition is crucial when you're breastfeeding. Check out Nurse Barb Dehn's advice for new moms.

Living With Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Isn’t The End

Living With Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Isn’t the End

I watched other new moms bonding with their infants saying it was the best thing that ever happened to them. To me it felt like the worst. But that’s not how my story ends.

Insurer Slashes Breast Pump Payments, Stoking Fears Fewer Moms Will Breastfeed

Insurer Slashes Breast Pump Payments, Stoking Fears Fewer Moms Will Breastfeed

Major insurer cuts payments for breast pumps, which may increase patient costs and drive some new moms from breastfeeding their infants.

For The Babies Of The Opioid Crisis, The Best Care May Be Mom’s Recovery

For the Babies of the Opioid Crisis, the Best Care May Be Mom’s Recovery

Children exposed to opioids during pregnancy have certain early and late challenges, and helping their Moms may be the best medicine for them and helping with the consequences of neonatal abstinence syndrome.

Drowning in New Motherhood: My Journey Through Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Drowning in New Motherhood: My Journey Through Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

You know that nightmare about giving a speech in your underwear? That’s basically what sharing this story about my journey with postpartum depression and anxiety is like for me.