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multiple sclerosis

Mother holding hands Asian female newborn baby and sunlight in the morning

FAQs About Delivery, Breastfeeding and Postpartum Care with Multiple Sclerosis

Having a baby while living with MS? Get answers to your questions about delivery, breastfeeding and postpartum care

How MS Affects the Body

How MS Affects the Body

MS affects everyone differently and can affect many parts of the body

En qué forma afecta el cuerpo la EM

En qué forma afecta el cuerpo la EM

La EM afecta a cada persona en forma diferente y puede impactar muchas partes del cuerpo

Tips for Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Tips for Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Self-care with MS is as important as medical treatment for MS

Consejos para una vida con esclerosis múltiple (EM)

Consejos para una vida con esclerosis múltiple (EM)

Los cuidados personales con EM son tan importantes como el tratamiento médico de dicha enfermedad

Cathy Chester

Encontrar una perspectiva positiva con mi trabajo de concientización médica me ayudó a vivir con EM durante 38 años

Todos los días cuento con apoyo y aprovecho los beneficios de mi comunidad y de mi curiosidad

people holding hands

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Support Group Finder

Check out these support groups and resources that can help connect people affected by MS

African American woman in pajamas resting in her bed at home.

MS and Women of Color

Multiple sclerosis has long been characterized as a white woman’s illness, leaving too many women of color misdiagnosed

African American woman in pajamas resting in her bed at home.

La EM y las mujeres de color

La esclerosis múltiple se ha considerado durante mucho tiempo como una enfermedad de mujeres de raza blanca, haciendo que muchas mujeres de color reciban diagnósticos erróneos

senior couple hugging in a garden while on romantic outdoor date

MS and Sex: How Multiple Sclerosis Can Affect Intimate Relationships

MS can affect your love life. Here’s what you need to know.

senior couple hugging in a garden while on romantic outdoor date

La EM y el sexo: En qué forma la esclerosis múltiple puede afectar las relaciones íntimas

La EM puede afectar tu vida romántica. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber.

Multiple sclerosis (multiple sclerosis) a disease that affects the nervous system, written on wooden blocks

FAQs About MS

Get the answers to all your questions about multiple sclerosis, a neurological condition that affects more women than men

Multiple sclerosis (multiple sclerosis) a disease that affects the nervous system, written on wooden blocks

Preguntas frecuentes acerca de la EM

Obtén respuestas para todas tus preguntas acerca de la esclerosis múltiple, un trastorno neurológico que afecta más a mujeres que a hombres

Multiple Sclerosis and Cognitive Function

Multiple Sclerosis and Cognitive Function

MS is not just physical — it also affects the brain

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment & Shared Decision-Making

When Treating Multiple Sclerosis, Shared Decision-Making Matters

Having a say in the treatment of MS can help you manage it

Jill Koziol

Living With Multiple Sclerosis Means Always Being My Own Advocate

I respect my doctors, but I keep on them, and always do my homework

How Multiple Sclerosis Affects the Central Nervous System

Watch this video to find out how MS affects your central nervous system, common symptoms and the process getting diagnosed

Coronavirus New Strain

Despite Its Disastrous Effects, Covid-19 Offers Some Gifts to Medicine — an Immunology Expert Explains What It Can Teach Us About Autoimmune Disease

Patients with severe Covid-19 infections have symptoms that are similar to autoimmune disorder symptoms, such as blood vessel inflammation, rashes and organ damage

sad woman on the couch

Beyond the Physical: How MS Affects Your Life

While providers treat the physical symptoms of MS, many women living with the disease are left to handle its mental effects alone

doctor talks with patient that has multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis: What to Expect From Diagnosis to Treatment

A MS diagnosis is scary, but with the right treatment, you can live a normal life