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doctor of latino ethnicity leans on her desk and looks at a radiogram of a chest on her desktop computer.

Lung Cancer Screening 101

More women and non-smokers are being diagnosed with lung cancer. Here’s what you need to know about the latest lung cancer screening guidelines.

doctor of latino ethnicity leans on her desk and looks at a radiogram of a chest on her desktop computer.

Introducción a las pruebas de cáncer pulmonar

Más mujeres y no fumadores están recibiendo diagnósticos de cáncer pulmonar. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber sobre las pautas más recientes de pruebas de cáncer pulmonar.

Transgender person contemplating and looking at the view

Why Transgender Women Are at Higher Risk for HIV

Structural inequalities and lack of access to healthcare leave trans women vulnerable

Transgender person contemplating and looking at the view

Por qué las mujeres transgénero tienen un mayor riesgo del VIH

Las desigualdades estructurales y la falta de acceso a atención médica hacen que las mujeres transgénero sean vulnerables

Close-up of ultrasound examination of the patient's cervical region

7 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Head and Neck Cancers

When caught early, many head and neck cancers are treatable. Here's how to reduce your risk.

Close-up of ultrasound examination of the patient's cervical region

7 formas para reducir el riesgo de cánceres de cabeza y cuello

Cuando se detectan en forma temprana, muchos cánceres de cabeza y cuello pueden tratarse. Aquí encontrarás cómo reducir tu riesgo.

The Great Girlfriends Podcast: Migraine or Headache? Understanding the Difference

The Great Girlfriends Podcast: Migraine or Headache? Understanding the Difference

Rashmi Halker Singh, M.D., explains the difference between headache and migraine and sheds light on why women of color are often misdiagnosed

female patient of African-American ethnicity, having an annual medical check-up with a senior male Caucasian doctor

Can Racial Bias Limit Access to Colon Cancer Screening and Treatment for Women of Color?

Black patients could be less likely to get screening referrals that could lower colon cancer mortality rates

female patient of African-American ethnicity, having an annual medical check-up with a senior male Caucasian doctor

¿Pueden prejuicios raciales restringir el acceso a examinaciones y tratamientos de cáncer de colon para mujeres de color?

Los pacientes de raza negra pueden tener menos posibilidades de que les refieran a examinaciones que podrían reducir las tasas de mortalidad del cáncer de colon

How Fiber Can Reduce Your Risk for Colorectal Cancer

How Fiber Can Reduce Your Risk for Colorectal Cancer

What you need to know to get enough fiber in your diet

En qué forma la fibra puede reducir tu riesgo de cáncer colorrectal

En qué forma la fibra puede reducir tu riesgo de cáncer colorrectal

Lo que debes saber para recibir suficiente fibra en tu dieta

doctor showing the consequences of obesity

The Importance of Making Obesity Treatment Accessible

Obesity is a growing public health threat, but access to anti-obesity medications and obesity treatment can help make a difference

true or false quiz on obesity

True or False? Obesity

Is obesity a disease? Take our quiz to learn more about the facts about obesity.

Cynthia Toussaint

When It Came to My Breast Cancer, I Did It My Way

Doctors told me there was just one way to treat my breast cancer. But with my complex medical condition, I knew I’d have to forge my own path.

Cynthia Toussaint

Manejé mi cáncer de mama a mi manera

Los doctores me dijeron que solo había una forma de tratar mi cáncer de mama. Pero con mi trastorno médico complejo, sabía que debía tomar mis propias decisiones.

Ayanay Ferguson

The Struggle Is Real: Black Women and Lung Cancer

Despite recent changes in screening guidelines, disparities persist for Black lung cancer patients

Ayanay Ferguson

La lucha es real: Las mujeres de raza negra y el cáncer de pulmón

A pesar de cambios recientes en las pautas de examinaciones, todavía hay desigualdades para pacientes de cáncer de pulmón de raza negra

Illustration of Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV

FAQs About RSV in Older Adults and Infants

RSV is nothing to sneeze at. Here’s what you need to know about this common virus and how to stay protected.

pregnant young woman standing in the bathroom at home

FAQs on Gestational Diabetes

Here’s what you need to know about gestational diabetes, an increasingly common pregnancy diagnosis

Mental Health and Urothelial Bladder Cancer

Mental Health and Urothelial Bladder Cancer

Taking care of your mental health while living with bladder cancer is important. Watch this video to learn how you can improve your mental health.

Managing Uterine Health Conditions at Work infographic

Managing Uterine Health Conditions at Work

Uterine health conditions, like fibroids, can be hard to manage at work, but accommodations and support are available

true or false: sun safety

True or False? Sun Safety

How bright are you when it comes to sun protection? Take our quiz to find out.

Sad ethnic woman crying on pouf in apartment

The Connection Between Young Adults and Colon Cancer

Here’s a look at why younger adults are being diagnosed with colon cancer and how they can lower their risk