cardiovascular disease

Woman holding red heart organs

FAQs About Heart Valve Disease

You’ve heard of heart disease, but heart valve disease is on the rise. Learn about the risk factors and screening options for this deadly condition.

Are You at Risk for Heart Disease?

Are You at Risk for Heart Disease?

Heart disease doesn't just affect men — it's also the #1 killer of women in the U.S.

Doctor talks with patient about healthcare options

Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About High Triglycerides

Triglycerides are the often forgotten or ignored numbers in a cholesterol panel. But cardiologist Nieca Goldberg, M.D., says we need to pay attention.

Are You at Risk for Heart Disease?

¿Tienes riesgo de una enfermedad cardiaca?

Las enfermedades cardiacas no solo afectan a los hombres, también son la causa principal de muertes de mujeres en EE.UU.

Doctor talks with patient about healthcare options

Conversación clínica: Preguntas y respuestas relacionadas con niveles altos de triglicéridos

Obtén respuestas de la cardióloga Nieca Goldberg, M.D., acerca de los peligros de niveles altos de triglicéridos y cómo podemos reducirlos

senior woman receiving medical examination at doctor's office.

The Intersection of Heart Disease, Diabetes and Stroke

Reducing your risk of one could reduce the risk of the others

senior woman receiving medical examination at doctor's office.

La intersección entre las enfermedades cardiacas, la diabetes y los accidentes cardiovasculares

Reducir el riesgo de una condición podría disminuir el riesgo de las otras

Page with word triglycerides and glasses.

Triglycerides 101: What They Are and Why They Matter

High triglyceride levels are linked to heart and pancreatic problems, but there are things you can do to lower your risk

Page with word triglycerides and glasses.

Introducción a los triglicéridos: Qué son y por qué son importantes

Niveles altos de triglicéridos se asocian a problemas cardiacos y pancreáticos, pero hay cosas que puedes hacer para reducir tu riesgo

red heart and medical tool stethoscope laying on health insurance claim form

A Patient’s Journey: How to Navigate Health Insurance for Heart Disease

Learn the facts about insurance coverage and access to treatments for heart disease

woman having chest pain

FAQs: What Women Need to Know About Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women. Knowing the symptoms could save your life.

Why Don’t Women Get the Same Treatment for Heart Disease as Men

Why Don’t Women Get the Same Treatment for Heart Disease as Men?

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women and men, so why are women being given different treatment?

Lorrie in front of the white house

I Had Quadruple Bypass Surgery at 48

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the United States — and it doesn’t care how old you are

Women's hand covering a wine glass to stop the wine from being poured in.

How Much Alcohol Is Too Much for Your Heart Health?

New research suggests any amount of alcohol may put your heart at risk

Symptoms of Heart Attacks in Women

Symptoms of Heart Attacks in Women

Knowing your risk factors and the warning signs can help save your life

Mother With Adult Daughter In Park Together

No, Latinos Don’t Actually Have Less Heart Disease – a New Large Study Refutes the Longstanding ‘Latino Paradox’

For at least three decades, studies have shown that Latinos have better heart health than other people, but new research calls that into question

Figure of man with brain and red heart

How Mental Health Affects Your Heart

Stress, depression and anxiety can affect your heart as well as your mind. What’s the connection between mental health and heart disease, and how can you reduce your risk?

XX-Chromosomes with DNA carrying the genetic code

The Sex of Your Cells Matters When It Comes to Heart Disease

Sex and gender disparities in cardiovascular disease are rampant

Jacque Gorelick

Bystander CPR Saved My Husband’s Life

A stranger’s actions helped my husband beat the odds and survive sudden cardiac arrest

Stroke vs. Heart Attack: Know the Signs & Symptoms

Stroke vs. Heart Attack: Know the Signs & Symptoms

Heart attacks and strokes are not the same. Knowing the signs and symptoms of each could save your life.

Fresh mixed fruits background.Organic fruits multicolor background.

Sugar Detox? Cutting Carbs? A Doctor Explains Why You Should Keep Fruit on the Menu

Ripe berries and sugar crystals are both sweet, but one offers much more than just calories

Text sugar and skull shape from sugar

Sugar High

An addiction to sugar can lead to serious health problems. Here’s how to break the cycle.

Obesity and Other Health Conditions infographic

Obesity and Other Health Conditions

Having obesity can put you at risk for developing other serious health conditions