A Glaucoma Diagnosis: Looking Beyond Drops for the Best Treatment Options
New options in glaucoma surgery may open up better treatment options and reduce the dependence on topical medications
New options in glaucoma surgery may open up better treatment options and reduce the dependence on topical medications
Grief is a big part of vision loss, but what’s been hardest for us are the stigmas about blindness
Women are at higher risk for eye diseases than men. Here’s what you need to know to keep your eyes healthy.
Use this guide to discuss a TED diagnosis with your HCP
Learn about the progression of normal eyes to the acute and chronic phases of thyroid eye disease
Obtén información sobre el proceso de cambio de ojos saludables a fases agudas y crónicas de la oftalmopatía tiroidea
Up to 1 in 2 people who have Graves’ disease have symptoms of thyroid eye disease — and it’s more common in women
Hasta 1 de cada 2 personas que tienen la enfermedad de Graves tiene síntomas de oftalmopatía tiroidea y es más frecuente en las mujeres
Use these 10 tips and tricks to help protect your eyes this summer
As a family, we’re getting through this genetic disorder together
Color is an inherent part of visual experience, so it's disconcerting to think the way two people perceive the world might be totally different.
What you can't see — the invisible disease that can leave you blind
HealthyWomen writer Sheryl Kraft recently experienced a health crisis of her own. She tells a cautionary tale of dealing with a detached retina.
Find out what you need to know about chronic dry eye, a condition with symptoms that may include itching, burning or stinging.