

Hypoparathyroidism 101

Learn the basic facts about hypoparathyroidism — an endocrine condition that affects mostly women

Leah Jorgensen

I am a Hairy Woman Due to PCOS—And I am Happy and Proud of It

When I was around 14 years old, I started to notice changes with my body hair that were very different from what I had been told to expect during puberty.

How to Prepare for a Colonoscopy

How to Prepare for a Colonoscopy

When I was 21 I was blindsided with a diagnosis of an incurable chronic illness. I was told I had Crohn's disease—an autoimmune disease that attacks the gastrointestinal tract, leading to severe pain and fatigue (just to name a few of the downsides).

Tips for Living with Pulmonary Fibrosis

Tips for Living with Pulmonary Fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis is a disease that can lead to scarring in air sacs within the lungs. This can make breathing difficult.

What It's Like in the Depths of Sickness with Lupus

What It's Like in the Depths of Sickness with Lupus

What is it like to live with lupus? In this post, I’m going to share what it was like to be in the depths of my sickness with lupus. I’ll paint a picture of what it was like to be incredibly, chronically ill.

10 Tips for Friends and Family Supporting Someone With IBD

10 Tips for Friends and Family Supporting Someone With IBD

It's my hope that after reading this article, you'll feel more comfortable approaching family members and friends with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and be able to have compassionate and thoughtful conversations.

natalie hayden

Chronic Illness and Motherhood: Why I Didn't Let Crohn's Disease Rob Me of My Future

When I was 21, my world turned upside down and I was blindsided with a diagnosis of an incurable chronic illness.

Cyndi Lauper's Psoriasis Battle Shows Her 'True Colors'

Cyndi Lauper's Psoriasis Battle Shows Her 'True Colors'

With her pink tresses and eye-catching stage costumes, pop culture icon Cyndi Lauper was never one to hide. But that's exactly what she wanted to do when she developed psoriasis, which spread to most of her body and sapped her strength before the skin dis

On Reaching Remission of Crohn's Disease: Tragedy and Triumph

On Reaching Remission of Crohn's Disease: Tragedy and Triumph

Exactly one year ago today, my gastroenterologist pulled the curtain back to find me still in post-colonoscopy position, groggy, yet mostly awake and said the words I have been waiting to hear since 2009: "There are no ulcers. You are in remission."

Coffee Doesn't Help Parkinson's Motor Disorders

Coffee Doesn't Help Parkinson's Motor Disorders

Regular cups of coffee will not ease tremors and movement problems caused by Parkinson's disease, despite prior evidence that caffeine might help, a new clinical trial reports.

Gum Disease May Be Linked to Cancer Risk in Older Women

Gum Disease May Be Linked to Cancer Risk in Older Women

A new study links gum disease with an increased risk of several types of cancer in postmenopausal women, even in women who never smoked.

Blood sample for hepatitis C virus testing

Hepatitis C and Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are at increased risk for hepatitis C, so it's important to get tested and begin treatment as soon as possible.

The Burden of Heart Disease

The Burden of Heart Disease

Heart disease can be a heavy burden for anyone. But new research suggests that black women at risk for the illness are also more prone to loneliness and money worries than their white peers.

Weight Loss Tied to Lower Risk of Uterine Cancer

Weight Loss Tied to Lower Risk of Uterine Cancer

Weight loss may lower older women's risk of cancer of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, a new study suggests.

This Symptomless Infection Can Case Infertility

This Symptomless Infection Can Cause Infertility

About 2.5 million American women have had pelvic inflammatory disease, an often-symptomless infection of the reproductive tract that can cause infertility and lasting abdominal pain, a new U.S. government report shows.

Wearable Sensors May Spot Illness Before Symptoms Start

Wearable Sensors May Spot Illness Before Symptoms Start

Wearable sensors to track things such as heart rate, activity and skin temperature may help you track your health and warn of impending illness, a new study suggests.

pregnant woman yawning

Just Pregnancy Tiredness or Something Else?

Many women and their doctors assume that tiredness is a given in pregnancy. But tiredness and sleepiness could be symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA.