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Survey Results Released

You can never be too rich or too thin … or so the saying goes.

Whether that's true or the chronically bad economy is to blame, money topped the list for 28 percent of women when HealthyWomen recently asked, "What do you wish you had more of in your life?"

This made me think of something I read recently that said that the median household income had declined 2.3 percent to $49,445 from 2009 to 2010, and the poverty rate increased for the third consecutive year, bringing it to 15.1 percent. What does this mean? Stress over money is a reality for many American households. And we all know the health risks of stress—high blood pressure, digestive difficulties, fatigue, heart problems, neck and back pain, obesity, breathing disorders, headaches, insomnia, anger, depression, lowered sexual desire, and more.

Preventing stress in real life may be virtually impossible, but managing it well is extremely important for both your physical and emotional health. HealthyWomen has resources and information on the effects of stress and key coping methods. Our Stress conditions and treatments area will give you all the details you need, including some interesting stats on stress in the workplace. Plus, find actionable tips and ideas in our Managing Stress area

Still wondering what other women are wishing for? The next highest responses showed women's emotional side with 16 percent desiring self-confidence and the same percentage desiring happiness. Looking at the two responses together makes me wonder whether they are intertwined: does self-confidence lead to happiness or does happiness lead to self-confidence? Let me know if you've found the answer to that one.

Eleven percent of women polled would like more friendship in their lives while similar percentages crave more free time (10%) and love (10%).

As you're developing stories on women's health and wellness, we hope you'll think of HealthyWomen resources. We're happy to help you locate medical experts, resources or trusted medical content. Just contact us contact us for assistance.

We're here for you to provide what you need, when you need it.

In good health,
Elizabeth Battaglino Cahill

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