child holding a thermometer

Even though my son is officially a toddler and potty training is around the corner, I'm still a (relatively) new mom. And, like many new parents, I'm a bit of a wreck when my child has a fever.

Fortunately for me (and for you other newbies out there), I recently learned that once he's 3 or older, I need not break out into a cold sweat every time he has a fever.

The Nemours Foundation says the following symptoms indicate that your child may not be seriously ill, despite running a fever:
• Your child continues to play normally.
• Your child wants to drink fluids, and has a normal appetite.
• Your child smiles and seems alert.
• Your child's skin appears normal.
• Your child looks healthy after the fever breaks.

As always, however, if you're unsure about the severity of your child's illness, take him or her to the pediatrician.

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