What Is It?
A healthy pregnancy starts with taking care of your body and understanding the many changes you will encounter during this special time in your life.
If you've recently found out that you're pregnant, you should learn as much as possible about what it takes to have a healthy pregnancy and how to best care for yourself and your baby during this time of physical and emotional change. Finding a health care professional with whom you're comfortable to care for you throughout your pregnancy is the first step in a healthy pregnancy.
For most women, pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, or 280 days. This time frame is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period. After you've missed a menstrual period and confirmed your pregnancy with a home pregnancy test, make an appointment with your health care professional.
Meeting with a health care professional early on (even before you get pregnant if you are planning to conceive) is important for all women, but especially important if you have any medical conditions or family health problems that could put you or your baby at risk.
Certain conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, can affect the health of the fetus if you don't have them under control before you get pregnant or in the early stages of your pregnancy.
The sooner you can plan ahead for pregnancy, the better. For example, you should take 400 micrograms of folic acid (a B vitamin) at least a month before you become pregnant and for the first three months of your pregnancy. If you have already had a child with a neural tube defect, such as spina bifida, a type of birth defect in which the baby's spine doesn't close all the way, you are at a higher risk of having another child with the defect, and therefore, you should take more folic acid, 4 to 5 milligrams, as an extra precaution. Women taking certain antiseizure medicines are also at risk for having a child with spina bifida and may need extra folic acid. Talk to your health care professional about the right amount for you.
You should also be tested to make sure you have antibodies against rubella (German measles) and varicella zoster virus (chicken pox). If you don't have sufficient antibodies against either of these conditions and you're not yet pregnant, you should get vaccinated. Most health care providers and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that you delay getting pregnant for at least four weeks after receiving the vaccines.
If you're already pregnant and don't have enough antibodies against these conditions, you shouldn't get vaccinated because the vaccines contain weakened forms of the viruses which could, in some cases, trigger an infection, and contracting either during pregnancy could harm your fetus. Instead, avoid contact with anyone exhibiting symptoms of rubella and talk to your health care professional about getting vaccinated after you deliver.
When it comes to chicken pox, if you've been exposed, treatments are available that can prevent or minimize the illness in pregnant women. And remember to ask about getting vaccinated after your baby is born.
Aside from the physical changes you'll face throughout your pregnancy, you will also face many emotional issues and may find yourself on an emotional roller coaster. If it's any consolation, you should know that most pregnant women take a similar ride; it doesn't last forever, however, and there are many things you can do to keep the ride as smooth as possible.
Once your pregnancy is confirmed, you should make an appointment with your health care professional, usually an obstetrician, nurse-midwife, family practitioner, physician's assistant or nurse practitioner.
This first visit will likely take much longer than other appointments over the next few months. It should include:
Rh factor is a protein that 85 percent of people have on red blood cells. These people are called "Rh-positive." If you belong to the 15 percent of the population that doesn't have the protein, you're known as "Rh negative." Since Rh positive individuals are in the majority, it is likely that your baby's father may be Rh positive, so your baby may also be Rh positive.
If you have Rh-negative blood and your baby's father is Rh-positive, you and your baby may develop health problems. To reduce this risk, your health care provider will offer you injections of Rho (D) immune globulin (RhoGAM) at or around 28 weeks of pregnancy. The drug prevents your body from recognizing Rh positive cells so your body will not attack and destroy your baby's blood cells. After the baby is born, his/her Rh status will be determined and, if the baby is Rh positive, you will be offered RhoGAM again. Receiving RhoGAM while pregnant will not harm you or your baby, even if, after delivery, the baby is found to be Rh negative like you.
Your health care professional may ask whether you've been tested for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. If you haven't been tested for HIV, he or she will likely suggest you be tested, regardless of whether you are in a high-risk category.
Depending on your ethnic background, your health care professional may also test your hemoglobin (a protein carried in your red blood cells) to look for genetic conditions such as sickle cell disease or thalassemia that could be passed on to your baby or cause you some problems during your pregnancy, such as anemia and urinary tract infections.
During this first visit, your health care professional will also do an internal pelvic exam, likely the only one you'll have until your final weeks of pregnancy. He or she will examine your internal reproductive organs to check for changes in your cervix and the size of your uterus.
A urine test is a routine part of every prenatal visit, so you should drink a lot of water before your visit. These tests provide information about glucose (sugar) and protein levels. A high glucose level may indicate gestational diabetes, a form of diabetes that only occurs during pregnancy, while a high protein level could signal potential kidney problems or urinary infection.
This first visit also may include a Pap smear to detect changes in your cervix that could be an early sign of cancer. Other tests may be recommended depending on your age and other risk factors. These include routine screenings for genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and more specialized genetic tests, if your medical history suggests them.
Prenatal visits after this one will be relatively brief, and most likely include the following:
This might all sound a little scary, but don't worry—most women in the United States have healthy pregnancies that lead to healthy babies.
Still, throughout your pregnancy your health care professional will recommend a handful of standard tests to check the health of your baby. These include:
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that occurs because of pregnancy-induced changes in the way your body processes sugar (glucose) from food, leading to high blood sugar levels. According to the American Diabetes Association, up to 9.2 percent of all pregnant women in the United States are diagnosed with the condition. Gestational diabetes doesn't cause birth defects because women with the condition don't experience abnormal blood sugar levels during the first trimester. Most birth defects related to diabetes occur during the first trimester. However, if your blood sugar remains high, the baby may grow too large to pass easily through your birth canal.
The main concern with gestational diabetes is that the baby may develop fetal macrosomia, a condition in which the baby grows larger than usual for its gestational age. A baby is considered macrosomic if its estimated weight is greater than 4,500 grams, or 9 pounds, 9 ounces. This condition occurs because the baby is getting large amounts of glucose from the mother, which triggers the baby's pancreas to produce more insulin. Extra insulin causes the glucose to be changed into fat resulting in a larger baby.
In some cases, the baby becomes too large to be delivered through the mother's vagina, requiring a cesarean delivery.
Gestational diabetes also increases the risk of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, in the baby right after delivery. This medical problem typically occurs if the mother's blood sugar levels have been consistently high, leading to high blood levels of insulin in the baby. After it's born, the baby continues to have a high insulin level but no longer has the high levels of glucose from the mother. So the newborn's blood sugar levels drop sharply and suddenly. Your baby's blood sugar levels will be checked in the newborn nursery, and if they're too low, the baby may receive oral or intravenous glucose.
Babies whose mothers have gestational diabetes or whose mothers had insulin-dependent diabetes before they became pregnant are also at higher risk for respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) after birth, a condition that makes it hard for the baby to breathe without assistance.
Additionally, children whose mothers had gestational diabetes are at higher risk for getting diabetes as they get older and are more likely to be obese as children or adults, which can lead to other health problems.
Like other forms of diabetes, this condition can be managed once it is diagnosed. The goal is to keep your blood sugar levels within normal ranges (less than 95 mg/dL when fasting, less than 130 to 140 mg/dL one hour after eating).
You can usually do this by following a specific diet high in complex carbohydrates (such as whole-grain cereals) and low in simple sugars, such as found in cakes and candies. Ask to meet with a nutritionist to develop the right diet for you.
You may also need to monitor your blood glucose yourself. Self-blood glucose monitoring allows you to track your glucose levels at home without extra trips to your health care professional. You may need to test your blood several times a day, usually first thing in the morning before eating and one to two hours after each meal.
You do this with a device that pricks your finger for a drop of blood. You put the blood on a test strip, insert it into a small machine and the results appear on the monitor.
If you can't control your blood sugar levels through diet alone, an oral medicine for diabetes such as glyburide or metformin or you may need insulin, a hormone you take via a shot that helps return your blood glucose levels to normal.
There's no cut-off point that automatically triggers the need for insulin. Many health care professionals recommend insulin treatment when blood sugar levels exceed 95 mg/dL first thing in the morning (the fasting sugar) or if post-meal level exceeds 140 mg/dL on two separate tests. Others are stricter—recommending it if fasting levels are higher than 90 mg/dL or if post-eating levels exceed 120 mg/dL.
Although gestational diabetes almost always disappears after you deliver your baby, having had it increases your risk for developing diabetes later. A very small percentage of women continue to have diabetes after delivery, so your blood sugar will be assessed two to six weeks after the birth to make sure your diabetes is gone.
Another fairly common but potentially serious complication of pregnancy is preeclampsia, which occurs in up to 9.2 percent of pregnancies. It is characterized by high blood pressure and/or excess protein in the urine. Other symptoms include headaches, changes in your vision and upper right abdominal pain.
Preeclampsia, previously referred to as toxemia, usually occurs during the second half of pregnancy after 20 weeks gestation, although it may occur earlier and can continue in the postpartum period.
Rapid and excessive swelling in hands and face were at one time considered possible symptoms of preeclampsia but are no longer regarded as symptoms. Many women experience some swelling during pregnancy. If your rings or shoes start feeling too tight, don't panic. Talk to your health care provider about measures to relieve the discomforts.
Preeclampsia is more likely to develop during your first pregnancy and if other women in your family developed it during their pregnancies. It's also more common in women pregnant with more than one baby, those in their teens and over 40 and those with high blood pressure or kidney disease.
Preeclampsia is dangerous for your baby because it can interfere with your placenta's blood supply. The placenta is the source of nutrition and oxygen for your baby. Any problems with the blood supply can affect the amount of nutrients and oxygen the baby receives and could lead to a low birth weight or other problems. Additionally, a small number of women go on to develop eclampsia, which includes dangerous seizures.
Unlike gestational diabetes, there really isn't one test that can diagnose preeclampsia. That's why it's so important that your blood pressure and urine be checked during each prenatal visit. Blood pressure readings significantly higher from one visit to the next could be an early sign of preeclampsia, as can high levels of protein in your urine.
Other warning signs that could indicate preeclampsia include:
We don't know what causes preeclampsia, but there are several theories, including:
There is some evidence that vitamin D deficiency may increase risk of preeclampsia. A 2010 study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that vitamin D levels were generally lower in women with early severe preeclampsia compared with those of healthy pregnant women.
A more recent 2014 study published in the journal Epidemiology found women with vitamin D deficiency in the first 26 weeks of pregnancy were at increased risk for preeclampsia.
Talk to your health care professional about vitamin D and how to boost your intake with food and/or supplementation.
Most women with preeclampsia give birth to healthy babies because the condition is usually identified early enough in pregnancy for your health care professional to intervene.
The single most important thing you should do is rest and reduce the stress in your life. Also ask your health care professional about any dietary changes that may help you stay healthy. Your health care professional may also want to see you more often to monitor your blood pressure and weight gain. Additionally, you may need a non-stress test, biophysical testing and fetal movement counts to keep an eye on how your baby is doing in light of your high blood pressure.
If you are on or near your due date and have been diagnosed with preeclampsia, discuss the risks and benefits of delivering early with your health care professional as a way to end the associated fetal and maternal risk of this condition.
Anemia is a fairly common pregnancy condition that occurs when you have low levels of hemoglobin in your blood. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to your body tissues through red blood cells. Pregnant women often become anemic as a result of normal changes in their bodies. Fortunately, in most cases, it's not harmful to either mother or baby.
The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency because your body uses iron to make hemoglobin. Other common anemias are related to folic acid deficiency, blood loss and genetic illnesses such as sickle cell disease.
Anemia during pregnancy is diagnosed by assessing the percentage of red blood cells/hemoglobin carriers to your total blood volume. Other laboratory tests may be conducted to identify your particular type of anemia. Screening for the condition is usually done early in the pregnancy, then again between the 24th and 28th weeks.
Signs and symptoms of anemia include:
Poor nutrition increases your risk of developing anemia, especially if you have multiple vitamin deficiencies. Smoking also increases your risk because it reduces your body's ability to absorb important nutrients. Conversely, smokers may not show the usual laboratory signs of anemia, because nicotine replaces hemoglobin , the oxygen carrying part in the red blood cells. Yet these women's bodies are starved for oxygen, which stimulates the body to produce extra red blood cells, hurting the baby's nutrition. Excess alcohol consumption also increases your risk for anemia because it is associated with poor nutrition. Other conditions and medications may place you at risk for anemia. Your health care provider will discuss these with you if needed.
If you are anemic, your health care professional may prescribe iron and folic acid supplements and recommend dietary changes, and urge you to increase rest.
Now more than ever is the time to follow guidelines for a balanced, nutritious diet. Early in pregnancy, your baby's central nervous system and organs are forming; later in pregnancy, the baby is growing longer and heavier. Your body needs increased nutrients and protein to keep your baby healthy during pregnancy.
As a basic guideline, nutrition experts who specialize in prenatal care recommend you plan your meals and snacks to include foods from the following:
Weight Gain and Pregnancy
There is no magic number for how much weight you should gain during pregnancy. Every woman is different when it comes to height, weight, physical activity and metabolism. A healthy pattern of weight gain is about three to six pounds during the first three months of pregnancy and about a pound a week for the remainder of your pregnancy, but your health care professional will tell you the appropriate amount for you.
General guidelines from the IOM recommend that women who were underweight before getting pregnant gain 28 to 40 pounds during pregnancy; normal weight women gain 25 to 35 pounds; overweight women gain 15 to 25 pounds; and obese woman gain 11 to 20 pounds.
Women who are pregnant with twins are given special guidelines from the IOM. Those in the normal BMI category should aim to gain 37 to 54 pounds; overweight women, 31 to 50 pounds; and obese women, 25 to 42 pounds.
High weight gain during pregnancy is associated with a greater risk for cesarean section and higher than normal birth weight and moderately associated with weight retention later in life. On the flip side, low pregnancy weight gain can lead to infants with lower than normal birth weights.
But gaining the appropriate amount of weight during pregnancy is easier said than done, as most women know. That's especially true if you suddenly have to reduce your normal physical activity because of your pregnancy. To compensate, limit snack foods high in calories and low in nutritional value, such as cookies, doughnuts, chips, soft drinks and cakes. Choose fresh fruits, vegetables and skim milk instead.
Also, if you're obese during pregnancy you have a greater risk of having a stillborn, premature or overly large baby, or a baby with neural tube defects. Your baby also has a higher risk of being obese in childhood. Thus, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that obese women planning to conceive get a preconception consultation, weight-loss counseling and continuing nutritional counseling and exercise programs after delivery.
Morning Sickness
If you're concerned you're not gaining enough weight or if your appetite is decreased from morning sickness, discuss your concerns with your health care professional. You may want to see a nutritionist to make sure you get enough calories.
The good news is that the majority of women who suffer from morning sickness will no longer have this problem after the third month of pregnancy. Your health care professional can provide information on strategies to decrease nausea and vomiting and, if these strategies don't work, can offer medications for your morning sickness. Here are some suggestions to help minimize this problem:
If you have severe "morning sickness" that continues all day, every day, or lasts beyond the first three months of pregnancy, discuss it with your health care professional. You could have a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum that affects up to 2 percent of pregnant women, causing extreme nausea and vomiting.
Gastrointestinal problems
Heartburn. You may experience heartburn or indigestion during your pregnancy. These problems typically show up later in the pregnancy and are caused when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus, causing a burning sensation in your throat and chest.
This occurs because during pregnancy hormonal changes slow digestion and relax the muscles that normally keep the stomach acids where they belong. Plus, pressure from the baby tends to push on the stomach, causing acid reflux. Here are a few things you can do to minimize discomfort from these feelings:
Constipation. You may also experience some constipation during your pregnancy. This occurs partly because your baby puts pressure on your bowel, and partly because of hormonal changes that slow the passage of food through your digestive system.
To minimize constipation, eat foods that are high in fiber, exercise and drink lots of nonalcoholic and non-caffeinated fluids.
Hemorrhoids. Sometimes your constipation may be accompanied by hemorrhoids, enlarged veins near your anus. You may get hemorrhoids during pregnancy even if you don't have any problems with constipation. They occur, in large part, because the growing baby puts pressure on these veins, causing them to swell.
Try not to strain during bowel movements, because that could make your hemorrhoids worse, leading to itching, soreness or even bleeding. If you have hemorrhoids, increase your fluid and fiber consumption and check with your health care professional before taking any medication.
Varicose veins are veins in your calves, thighs and vagina that become swollen and painful during pregnancy. They get worse if you have to stand for long periods.
The best remedy is to wear support stockings. Lying on your side or sitting with your legs elevated can also help. If you must stand for a long time, move around as much as possible and lift your heels or toes to increase circulation to your legs.
In the early months of your pregnancy, you may find you're more tired than normal, taking naps and sleeping longer. In later months, you may begin to experience some sleep problems, including problems falling and staying asleep as the growing baby makes lying down uncomfortable.
Some of these problems may get worse as you get closer to your delivery time, and you may find you get your sleep in shorter stretches.
To help with pregnancy-related insomnia:
In addition to the physical changes of pregnancy, you may also feel as if you're on an emotional roller coaster. During the first three months of pregnancy, you're still adjusting to the idea of being pregnant and the prospect of becoming a mother (if it's your first time) or adding another child to your family.
The middle part of your pregnancy may be more relaxing and calmer as you ease into the routine of pregnancy and begin bonding with the baby.
During the last phase of your pregnancy, however, you may find yourself feeling more anxious, fearing any complications during labor and delivery. Many women experience nightmares or other disturbing dreams about their pregnancy, labor and birth. Dreams are a way of expressing our anxieties.
Discussing your feelings with your partner and health care professional could help allay some of your anxieties and make you feel more positive about the whole experience.
Don't be surprised to find your feelings about sex with your partner change during pregnancy. Some women report feeling increased sexual desire, during their pregnancies, because of hormonal surges. At other times, you may feel a decreased desire for sex.
Additionally, physical changes may interfere with your desire for sex, including nausea, physical discomfort, fear of harming the baby and feeling less desirable because of your weight gain and appearance changes.
In the absence of conditions such as vaginal bleeding and ruptured membranes, sexual activity is safe during pregnancy. Don't worry about hurting the baby during sex; that won't happen because of the cushion provided by the fluid in the amniotic sac. Try different positions that don't put pressure on your abdomen. And if you're concerned that sexual activity might interfere with or cause a pregnancy complication, discuss the matter with your health care professional.
Your partner also may have a different sexual response to you during pregnancy. Some women report their partner draws closer to them during pregnancy, while others say their partners go through their own psychological changes and withdraw from the relationship. If your relationship becomes strained, your health care professional can refer you for counseling or other mental health services.
The following discussion addresses treatment options for more serious medical considerations during pregnancy that haven't already been discussed in the Diagnosis section.
HIV transmission. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. About 25 percent of babies born to untreated HIV-positive women become infected with the virus. But if infected women take antiviral drugs during their pregnancy, this number can be reduced to close to zero.
If you're pregnant and don't know if you have HIV, you should get screened. If you are HIV-positive, your health care professional can start you on drug treatment to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to your baby.
Miscarriage. Also known as a spontaneous abortion, a miscarriage is defined as the loss of your pregnancy before 20 weeks' gestation. It occurs in up to 30 percent of all pregnancies.
Miscarriage usually happens in the first trimester—that is, during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. After four months, it's much less likely to occur. However, the risk of miscarriage increases with age.
If you have a miscarriage, it's important to know that it doesn't necessarily mean you won't be able to carry a baby to full term in the future.
Early warning signs of a miscarriage include:
Most women who have bleeding or cramps during early pregnancy are not miscarrying, and the pregnancy usually progresses normally.
The loss of your baby through a miscarriage is emotionally traumatic. You should discuss your feelings with your partner and others; your health care professional can recommend a bereavement counselor if you want to consider this option for helping you overcome your grief and loss.
Throughout pregnancy, you should avoid certain substances to keep your baby as healthy as possible, before and after birth. They include:
Certain infections during pregnancy may be passed along to the baby during pregnancy or birth, increasing your baby's risk of birth defects. These infections include:
Workplace Hazards
Avoid on-the-job hazards that could be harmful to you or your baby, including exposure to chemicals, gas, dust, fumes or radiation. Discuss all workplace concerns with your health care professional. Employers that use potentially dangerous chemicals should have material safety information/data sheets (MSDS) to help you understand risks during pregnancy. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (www.osha.gov) is the federal agency that provides information and regulates this area.
If you've been exercising regularly before your pregnancy, chances are your health care professional will encourage you to keep exercising with some slight changes as your pregnancy progresses.
If you haven't been exercising and want to start, your pregnancy is a good time. Just be sure and discuss this matter with your health care professional first. And remember to start slow and steady.
Exercise is important during pregnancy. It strengthens your muscles, eases some discomforts of pregnancy and can help you prepare for delivery.
Yoga can be particularly beneficial, helping with breathing and relaxing, both of which come in handy during labor, childbirth and parenting. Some precautions for yoga while pregnant:
When exercising, don't get overheated or extremely tired; drink a lot of water at regular intervals; and slow down your overall workout.
Childbirth Education
Childbirth education and support can help ensure a joyful birth and transition to a new family. Prenatal classes, usually offered at a local hospital approximately three months before baby's due date, help prepare you and your partner for labor and delivery using proven relaxation, massage and breathing techniques.
The classes also provide discussion on important issues such as pain relief, cesarean birth and breastfeeding. Plus, you usually get a tour of the labor, delivery and postpartum areas.
Most childbirth classes follow a similar format: You and your partner join other expectant couples for the course, which may meet one night a week for several weeks, over an intensive weekend or as a private class taught in your home. There are several, popular childbirth education programs available; some of the most popular include the following:
When looking for a childbirth class, you may want to look for an instructor who has been certified by the International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA), an organization that educates and trains childbirth instructors. The ICEA does not promote any particular childbirth technique, so you should look for an instructor who teaches the method you would like to use.
Here are some features to look for when choosing your class:
Review the following Questions to Ask about pregnancy so you're prepared to discuss this important health issue with your health care professional.
The typical schedule is every four weeks until 28 weeks, every two weeks from 28 to 36 weeks, and then weekly until you're ready to deliver. Of course, if you have any complications you'll see your health care provider more often. Conversely, you may have fewer visits if your health history and pregnancy course are uncomplicated. You and your provider will determine the frequency of your visits based on your health risks.
An ultrasound, or sonogram, and a maternal blood serum screening, which looks for certain fetal substances that could be a sign of a birth defect, are fairly typical. Others you may be offered include amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS), which screen for chromosomal abnormalities, and fetal monitoring, which checks your baby's heart rate and well-being before delivery.
Early warning signs of a miscarriage include vaginal spotting of blood, pain in the lower back, cramps in the lower abdomen and heavy bleeding with clots. Miscarriage usually occurs in the first trimester, or first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Even if you are taking good care of yourself and eating a healthy diet, you may have feelings of nausea. This condition usually lasts only during the first three months of pregnancy. There are medications and vitamins that may alleviate morning sickness, but you can also minimize it with certain lifestyle changes.
If you've been exercising regularly before your pregnancy, chances are your health care professional will encourage you to keep exercising with some modifications as your pregnancy progresses. If you haven't been exercising and you want to start during your pregnancy, discuss this with your health care professional and always remember to start slowly.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists strongly recommends that women with risk factors for diabetes have a blood glucose screening at their first prenatal visit, and that all pregnant women get screened for this condition between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, report them to your health care professional immediately: vaginal bleeding; leakage of fluid through your vagina; uterine contractions; decreased fetal activity; or signs of preterm labor, such as low, dull backache, increased pelvic pressure, vaginal bleeding or spotting, menstrual-like cramps or diarrhea).
For information and support on Pregnancy, please see the recommended organizations, books and Spanish-language resources listed below.
Website: https://www.adopting.org/
Adoption Resources
Website: https://www.adoptionresources.org/
Hotline: 1-800-533-4320
Email: info@adoptionresources.org
American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
Website: https://www.midwife.org
Address: 8403 Colesville Rd., Suite 1550
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 240-485-1800
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
Website: https://www.acog.org
Address: 409 12th Street, SW
P.O. Box 96920
Washington, DC 20090
Phone: 202-638-5577
Email: resources@acog.org
Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs
Website: https://www.amchp.org
Address: 2030 M Street, NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-775-0436
Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)
Website: https://www.awhonn.org
Address: 2000 L Street, NW, Suite 740
Washington, DC 20036
Hotline: 1-800-673-8499
Phone: 202-261-2400
Email: customerservice@awhonn.org
Website: https://www.cordbloodguide.com
DONA International
Website: https://www.dona.org
Address: P.O. Box 626
Jasper, IN 47547
Hotline: 1-888-788-DONA (1-888-788-3662)
Email: info@dona.org
Fertility Awareness Center
Website: https://www.fertaware.com/
Address: P.O. Box 1190
New York, NY 10009
Phone: 212-475-4490
Email: admin@fertaware.com
FASD United -Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Website: https://fasdunited.org/
First Candle
Website: https://www.firstcandle.org
Address: 1314 Bedford Avenue, Suite 210
Baltimore, MD 21208
Hotline: 1-800-221-7437
Phone: 410-653-8226
Email: info@firstcandle.org
HRSA Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Website: https://mchb.hrsa.gov
Address: Parklawn Building Room 18-05
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
Phone: 301-443-2170
Email: ctibbs@hrsa.gov
Website: https://www.ichooseadoption.org
Email: info@iChooseAdoption.org
International Cesarean Awareness Network
Website: https://www.ican-online.org
Address: 1304 Kingsdale Ave.
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Phone: 310-542-6400
Email: info@ican-online.org
La Leche League International (LLLI)
Website: https://www.llli.org
Address: P.O. Box 4079
Schaumburg, IL 60168
Hotline: 1-800-LALECHE (1-800-525-3243)
Phone: 847-519-7730
Lamaze International
Website: https://www.lamaze.org
Address: 2025 M Street, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
Hotline: 1-800-368-4404
Phone: 202-367-1128
March of Dimes
Website: https://www.marchofdimes.com
Address: 1275 Mamaroneck Ave.
White Plains, NY 10605
Phone: 914-997-4488
National Abortion Federation
Website: https://www.prochoice.org
Address: 1660 L Street, NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20036
Hotline: 1-800-772-9100
Phone: 202-667-5881
Email: naf@prochoice.org
National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA)
Website: https://www.nationalfamilyplanning.org/
Address: 1627 K Street, NW, 12th Floor
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 202-293-3114
Email: info@nfprha.org
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Website: https://www.nichd.nih.gov
Address: National Institutes of Health
P.O. Box 3006
Rockville, MD 20847
Hotline: 1-800-370-2943
Email: nichdinformationresourcecenter@mail.nih.gov
Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Website: https://mchb.hrsa.gov/
Address: Health Resources and Services Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
Hotline: 1-888-ASK-HRSA (1-888-275-4772)
Phone: TTY/TTD: 1-877-4TY-HRSA (1-877-489-4772)
Email: ask@hrsa.gov
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Website: https://www.plannedparenthood.org
Address: 434 West 33rd Street
New York, NY 10001
Hotline: 1-800-230-PLAN (1-800-230-7526)
Phone: 212-541-7800
Postpartum Support International
Website: https://www.postpartum.net
Address: P.O. Box 60931
Santa Barbara, CA 93160
Hotline: 1-800-944-4PPD (1-800-944-4773)
Phone: 805-967-7636
Email: psioffice@postpartum.net
Waterbirth International
Website: https://www.waterbirth.org
Address: P.O. Box 1400
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Hotline: 1-800-641-2229
Phone: 503-673-0026
The Disabled Woman's Guide to Pregnancy and Birth
by Judith Rogers
Dr. Ruth's Pregnancy Guide for Couples
by Amos Grunebaum M.D.
Everything Pregnancy Book: What Every Woman Needs to Know Month-By-Month to Ensure a Worry-Free Pregnancy
by Paula Ford-Martin , Elisabeth A. Aron, and Maryann Bucknum Brinley
Exercising Through Your Pregnancy
by James F. Clapp
Getting Pregnant Naturally: Healthy Choices to Boost Your Chances of Conceiving Without Fertility Drugs
by Winifred Conkling
The Good Housekeeping Illustrated Book of Pregnancy and Baby Care, Revised & Updated
by From the Editors of Good Housekeeping
A Guy's Guide to Pregnancy: Preparing for Parenthood Together
by Frank Mungeam and John Gray
The High-Risk Pregnancy Sourcebook
by Denise M. Chism
Holistic Pregnancy and Childbirth: Natural Ways to Have a Healthy, Joyful Experience
by James Marti
Just Take It Out! The Ethics & Economics of Cesarean Section and Hysterectomy
by D. Campbell Walters
Mama Sana, Bebe Sano (Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby)
by Aliza A. Lifshitz
Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy
by Mayo Clinic
Mommy's Little Breastfeeding Book: 101 Tips Your Baby Wants You to Know About Breastfeeding
by Michele Leigh Carnesecca, Jeanette Bennett, and Carol Shelley Xanthos
The New Essential Guide to Lesbian Conception, Pregnancy, and Birth
by Stephanie Brill and Preston Sacks
Pregnancy and Parenting after Thirty-Five: Mid Life, New Life
by Michele C. Moore, M.D. and Caroline M. de Costa, M.D.
Yoga for Pregnancy: Ninety-Two Safe, Gentle Stretches Appropriate for Pregnant Women & New Mothers
by Sandra Jordan
Spanish-language resources
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Website: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/informacion-de-la-salud/control-de-peso/consejos-futura-mama
Address: Weight-control Information Network
1 WIN Way
Bethesda, MD 20892
Hotline: 1-877-946-4627
Email: win@info.niddk.nih.gov
Medline Plus: Pregnancy
Website: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/pregnancy.html
Address: Customer Service
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Email: custserv@nlm.nih.gov
HealthyWomen content is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.