With the holiday season being, arguably, the most difficult time of year to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to know that you can still enjoy your social and familial celebrations without permanently affecting your waistline.
Sure, your jeans may feel a little tighter by January 2, but that doesn’t mean you need to carry excess weight around the rest of the year!
Obesity is a national epidemic, and Healthy Women will be focusing on it throughout 2010. Empowering women and the ability to take charge is a message we strive for every day, and we recognize that the chance to start anew each January makes it the perfect time to discuss awareness and prevention of an underlying cause for so many of today’s leading ailments.
Did you know that obesity is a medical condition that increases the probability of many diseases including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep disorders, certain kinds of cancer and osteoarthritis?
Though there are select genetic and metabolic conditions that can contribute to a woman’s likelihood of being overweight, in most cases obesity is 100 percent preventable. It’s often a simple combination of eat less, move more.
That being said, we all know it’s easier said than done. (If it were truly so simple, we’d all be our ideal body weight.)
There’s always a good excuse to keep us from hitting the treadmill or a way too convenient alternative to a healthy diet. But because being overweight can affect all aspects of our lives, including how we work, rest and play, isn’t it time to ask ourselves what we truly want for our lives—in the new year and in the future?
At HealthyWomen, our mission is to help you achieve the best that you can be. And part of our job is to provide you with the tools and information necessary to do so. So check back often through the holidays and beyond for helpful tips on planning menus and grocery lists, scheduling exercise that fits easily into your existing routine and getting a good night’s sleep.
Perhaps the first item on your New Year’s resolution list should be this: Visit HealthyWomen.org each day before you check your e-mails or surf the net. You just might find the inspiration that you’re looking for is at the first stop in women’s wellness.
What are you doing or changing this new year to keep your body healthy? I would love to hear and share your tips with our HealthyWomen.org audience. Plus, get our tips for setting goals and sticking to them in 2010.
Sneakers on … wishing you a Happy & Healthy New Year!