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OTC medicine Productions

Questions to Ask About Your Child’s OTC Medicine

When your child’s health care provider recommends an over-the-counter medicine, it’s important to make sure you have answers to these questions.

Medication Safety

Article sponsored by McNeil Consumer Healthcare

When your child’s health care provider recommends an over-the-counter medicine, it’s important to make sure you have answers to the following questions.

  • Why is this medicine recommended?
  • Is the generic medicine the same as the brand name?
  • How much medicine should I give my child?
  • What is the maximum daily dose of this medicine?
  • How often should I give my child this medicine?
  • What effect should this medicine have on my child's symptoms?
  • Can I use this medicine with other medicines?
  • Is this medicine safe if my child has diabetes or other health conditions?
  • Will this medicine cause any side effects?
  • How long will it take this medicine to work?
  • Is there anything my child should avoid eating or doing while taking this medicine?
  • Does this medicine need to be stored in the refrigerator?
  • Are there other medicine options I should explore if this doesn't work?

For more information on OTC medicine safety, please visit these other links:

Know the Dose for your Kids' Medicine

How important is all the information on the labels of over-the-counter medicines?

Storing Medicines: Up, Away and Out of Sight

Do Your Kids Know the Dangers of Medicine Misuse?

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