The Perfect Morning: 3 Ways to Get Your Day Off to a Good Start
Jul 31, 2014
Jan 06, 2021
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Not everyone is the type of person who wakes up smiling every day, eager to start anew. Many of us hear the first few beeps of the alarm and immediately start to get grumpy. If you're cursing the morning sunlight and looking longingly back at your bed as you brush your teeth, it's time to figure out a more positive routine.
There are plenty of ways you can start your day right and set a good tone for the rest of the day, but the first step is having a positive attitude. Take these three tips into account.
1. Ask yourself power questions
When you wake up, the Tiny Buddha website suggests trying to steer clear of questions like, "Why am I so tired?" or "What do I need to get done today?" Instead, ask yourself positive questions like, "What am I looking forward to today?" or "What am I thankful for?" This will put you in a positive mindset that will help dictate your mood for the day.
2. Meditate
You don't have to sit Indian-style on the floor of your bedroom and start chanting "om" (unless you want to), but it does help to take a moment to connect with yourself when you wake up. Find a comfortable sitting position and start focusing on your breath. Imagine yourself inhaling positive energy and expelling negativity. Try to clear your mind.
3. Do something that makes you happy
Whether it's listening to your favorite music, indulging in your favorite breakfast, taking a bath or going for a run, set aside time in your morning routine to do something just for you. Take your time and really enjoy what it is you like most about the activity. You'll have a hard time staying in a bad mood.