Kimberly Templeton, MD
Past-President, American Medical Women's Association (AMWA)
Dr. Kim Templeton is Professor of orthopaedic surgery at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, specializing in orthopaedic oncology. She was the first McCann Professor of Women in Medicine and Science in the United States. In 2017, Dr. Templeton was elected to a second term on the National Board of Medical Examiners, after spending several years on various committees and task forces, and is now leading part of the research arm of the RENEW task force, to address stress among medical students related to the USMLE exams. She was named "Top Doc" by Ingram's magazine and received the Marjorie J. Siddridge leadership award for women in medicine from the University of Kansas in 2012. She received the Elizabeth Blackwell Award for outstanding contributions to the cause of women in the field of medicine by the American Medical Women's Association in 2013 and the inaugural Women Leaders in Medicine Award from the American Medical Student Association in 2008. She was named to the University of Kansas Women's Hall of Fame and an honorary alumnus of the University of Kansas in 2014.
Dr. Templeton is a past- president of the US Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI). During her tenure as president, Dr. Templeton initiated the development of the Chronic Osteoarthritis Management Initiative, the goal of which to is to evaluate and disseminate treatment guidelines and outcomes tools to better care for patients with osteoarthritis. She also initiated and developed "World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day (PB&J)". Dr. Templeton serves on the steering committee for the Burden of Musculoskeletal Conditions in the US (BMUS), the publication for the USBJI used by researchers and policymakers. Dr. Templeton wrote the first chapter for BMUS on sex and gender differences in musculoskeletal health. Prior to her presidency of the USBJI, Dr. Templeton developed national public education programs for the group, including "Fit to a T" and "PB&J" (Protect Your Bones and Joints. In 2013, Dr. Templeton was named the international ambassador of the Global Bone and Joint Decade.
Dr. Templeton is a past-president of the American Medical Women's Association. She has also served on the executive committee and chaired the Sex and Gender Women's Health Collaborative, whose mission is to improve the translation of research into sex- and gender-based differences into clinical practice through education and evaluation. Dr. Templeton is an invited founding board member of the Academy of Women's Health. In 2013, Dr. Templeton was named by the National Academy of Sciences to the musculoskeletal work group, reviewing and recommending new venues for sex and gender research for the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA). Dr. Templeton has spoken around the country in the area of sex and gender medicine. She has and continues to serve on expert committees that are working to incorporate this information into health professionals' education.
Dr. Templeton is a current member and past-president of the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts. She represents the Board on the Kansas Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Advisory Committee. She recently led the group that drafted the state's policy on chronic pain management that has been approved by all relevant state agencies. She represented the Board on the Kansas Governor's Substance Abuse Task Force, while also serving on the state hospital and medical associations combined opioid use task force and the Kansas Prescription Drug and Opioid Advisory Committee. She is a Commissioner for Kansas to the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission. Dr. Templeton served 2 terms as co-chair of the National Quality Forum Musculoskeletal Standing Committee and has now been appointed to the new NQF Primary Care and Chronic Illness Standing Committee. Dr. Templeton is a past member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Council on Advocacy and Council on Research. She developed and chaired the AAOS Washington Health Policy Fellowship for senior orthoapedic surgery residents. She is past-chair of the AMA Orthopaedic Section and past vice-chair of the Women Physician Section. Dr. Templeton served on the task force that drafted the first interdisciplinary guidelines for treatment of fragility fractures of the hip sponsored by the AAOS.
Dr. Templeton's research interests include women's health, medical education, and long-term impact of treatment of pediatric sarcomas on bone health. She is co-chair of the International Guideline Harmonization Group project. She serves on several editorial boards, including Gender and the Genome, is the author of articles and book chapters, is the editor and co-author of Women's Sports Injuries, and is co-editor of a symposium in 2013 on the musculoskeletal impact of childhood obesity for Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.
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