Shape Fitness to Function
Making exercise work in your everyday life.
Sep 15, 2009
Jul 19, 2023
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How's that "I'm-gonna-exercise-more" resolution doing?
Whether you've been inactive for awhile or you get physical somewhat regularly, you may have pledged that this would be the year you'd do more.
For most of us, that resolution means increasing the amount of time we spend walking, cycling, using weights or taking activity classes. Those are all good endeavors, but, surprisingly, can leave you still physically unfit. Even if you exercise, you might not be able to carry a 20-pound bag of dog food from the store to your car, climb three flights of stairs, mow your lawn completely in one session, or retrieve a box from a high shelf.
Such loss of physical function is usually associated with aging, but it may begin much earlier in life, especially for women. If you've been more sedentary than not, this loss can begin in your early 20s to 30s. Even with activity, the process may accelerate after age 50.
What you need for good physical health is not just fitness—you need functional fitness.
More than Exercise
Functional fitness combines muscular strength, power and endurance with balance and flexibility. It's "the level of fitness necessary to perform a range of functional movements and tasks, such as driving, climbing ladders, gardening or laundry," says Patricia A. Brill, PhD, FACSM, an exercise physiologist and senior public health manager for Harris County (Houston), TX.
Does functional fitness really matter?
Consider this: More than 13,600 people, aged 40 and up, who had never had a stroke, heart attack or cancer, were categorized by researchers on a scale of how well they could climb, kneel, bend and lift. Several years later, the subjects were assessed for how many strokes they had experienced. Those who had originally scored in the top 25 percent for physical function had a 50 percent lower occurrence of stroke than those with low scores. That measure held true even after considering factors such as age, body mass, smoking, economic level and—yes—physical activity.
While it's more likely that people who exercise regularly will have better physical function, there are often gaps in such conditioning. "The key to functional fitness training is integration. It's about working various muscle groups together, rather than isolating them," says Dr. Brill, who is also the author of Functional Fitness for Older Adults (Human Kinetics, 2004).
For example, she notes that conventional weight training builds individual muscle groups without teaching them to use their strengths in a unified way. Likewise, a walking-only regimen shortchanges your body in other functional areas.
Test Yourself
You can judge your own functional fitness. Younger women may notice they're having trouble hoisting a baby or moving cartons of supplies from a vehicle's trunk; older women might find it hard to get up from a chair or to press down forcefully on the car's brakes.
Dr. Brill notes these three key warning signs of declining functional fitness:
If you have trouble in any of these areas, it's time to take action, no matter what your age. A study conducted for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) showed that older adults—all of them regular exercisers—who began simple functional fitness training (strengthening, lifting, reaching and bending exercises) showed significant improvement in just a few weeks.
Three for Function
It's easy to incorporate functional fitness into your activity plan at least three times a week.
Dr. Brill recommends the first two exercises below, among others; the third is part of a functional fitness workout created for ACE (based on its research) by exercise physiologist Fabio Comana: