woman in pain from Fibromyalgia
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What are the common symptoms of fibromyalgia?


Fibromyalgia is defined by the American College of Rheumatology as chronic (three months or more) widespread pain and pain on palpation of 11 of 18 tender points. Common associated symptoms include sleep problems, fatigue, cognitive impairment and mood disturbances. In addition to the pain, sleep problems and fatigue are common in people with fibromyalgia. Other symptoms may include: cognitive disorders, most often short-term memory lapses and difficulty concentrating; unusual sensitivity to cold, especially in the hands and feet, often accompanied by color changes, numbness and tingling; urinary complaints; painful menstrual periods; heightened sensitivity to noises, bright lights, odors and touch; painful sexual intercourse; stiffness; light-headedness and/or balance problems; abdominal discomfort; and numbness or tingling, often in the hands or feet

If you experience these symptoms, talk to your health care provider.

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