person doing a cartwheel on the beach

Today I took part in a satellite media tour to help women learn how to #FeelGreatLookGreat. If you missed out—bummer—it’s OK. Here is a recap of what I covered. After all, every woman deserves this inside knowledge!

Small Changes That Make You #FeelGreatLookGreat
First, don't let the word "change" scare you. One of the most important things I've learned: small changes can make the BIGGEST difference. In fact, I urge you to only make small changes right now. That way, you're more likely to keep up your momentum. Here's a good place to start:

*Eat a healthy, easy-to-make breakfast. Every morning I make sure I eat something healthy. Like most women, I don’t have time to whip up an extravagant omelet, so I opt for something simple like Post Great Grains Digestive Cereal. Easy to prep, delicious to eat.

*Hydrate. I admit it: I have to remind myself to drink enough water. I find it helpful to have a 16-ounce cup handy at the office. Before I do anything, I fill 'er up. If I start my day off sipping a good amount of H20, I'm more likely to do so the rest of the day.

*Take the stairs. When I climb my way up four flights of stairs while lugging a 10-pound purse, I feel like a warrior. Oh, did I mention I'm wearing heels, too?! Such an awesome way to get in quick cardio. Try it once, and you'll be hooked, too.

*Take a breath of fresh air. If you're glued to a computer all day, this is essential. Think you can't step away for one second? Then plan to take that 1 p.m. conference call while walking around the block. The extra vitamin D will serve you well.

*Schedule time for yourself. Clear some time on your calendar every day. This could be a trip to the gym, a shopping excursion to grab that dress you've had your eye on forever, etc. Whatever it is, make it just for you. No boring errands allowed!

If these five changes seem daunting, choose one! Every little lifestyle tweak makes a big difference and will help you #FeelGreatLookGreat. For more helpful tips, check out And stay tuned for more details on when our next satellite media tour will occur. We don't want you to miss it!

HealthyWomen's satellite media tour is brought to you by Post Great Grains and SOYJOY.

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