
Asian doctor with stethoscope listening to belly of pregnant woman

FAQs About HIV and Pregnancy

Many women who live with HIV can get pregnant and have a healthy baby. Here’s what you need to know.

Asian doctor with stethoscope listening to belly of pregnant woman

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el VIH y el embarazo

Muchas mujeres que viven con VIH pueden embarazarse y tener un bebé saludable. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber.

3d illustration of a typical PrEP Pil

Barriers to Accessing PrEP Mean Missed Opportunities to Prevent HIV

What is PrEP — and why aren’t more people taking it?

Protecting Yourself or Your Partner from HIV

Protecting Yourself and Your Partner from HIV

How to talk to intimate partners about HIV

Protégete a ti y a tu pareja contra el VIH

Protégete a ti y a tu pareja contra el VIH

Cómo hablar con parejas íntimas acerca del VIH

The Great Girlfriends Podcast: Understanding HIV - Let's Get to Know the Facts

The Great Girlfriends Podcast: Understanding HIV - Let's Get to Know the Facts

Ada Stewart, M.D., FAAFP, discusses the rising rates of HIV among Black women and the advances in prevention and treatment methods

Transgender person contemplating and looking at the view

Why Transgender Women Are at Higher Risk for HIV

Structural inequalities and lack of access to healthcare leave trans women vulnerable

Transgender person contemplating and looking at the view

Por qué las mujeres transgénero tienen un mayor riesgo del VIH

Las desigualdades estructurales y la falta de acceso a atención médica hacen que las mujeres transgénero sean vulnerables

No HIV for Me: Protect Yourself from HIV with PrEP and PEP

No HIV for Me: Protect Yourself from HIV with PrEP and PEP

Watch to learn about PrEP and PEP, effective tools to protect yourself from HIV

PrEP Is for Women, Too

PrEP Is for Women, Too

Can women take PrEP? Absolutely!

Lab technician holding HIV rapid device test, the result showed positive

Women Can Get HIV, Too. That’s Why They Need to Get Tested for HIV.

Women can and should have HIV testing. Understand the different options available to you.


After Being Sexually Assaulted, I Started Taking PrEP — and I Plan to Be on It for Life

I encourage everyone to embrace the HIV-preventive medication, no matter their sexual orientation

Medications That Treat and Prevent HIV

Medications That Treat and Prevent HIV

If you’re living with HIV or at high risk for the virus, these options can help

Medicamentos para el tratamiento y la prevención del VIH

Medicamentos para el tratamiento y la prevención del VIH

Si vives con el VIH o tienes alto riesgo de contraer el virus, estas opciones pueden ser útiles

Persons sitting in circle and talking

HIV/AIDS Support Group Finder

These support groups and resources can help connect people affected by HIV/AIDS

Bee Velasquez

I Was Diagnosed with HIV When I Was 15. It’s Been a Journey of Learning to Love Myself Enough to Take My Meds.

It wasn’t until I met my husband that I realized I needed to put myself — and my health — first

Nina Martinez

I Was the First Living Kidney Donor with HIV

Thanks to access to good treatment, I’ve remained healthy enough to be able to extend the life of another HIV-positive person

Sad mid adult woman sitting on stairs in front of her house

How HIV Affects Menopause and Menopause Affects HIV

Going through menopause may be particularly challenging for women living with HIV

Sad mid adult woman sitting on stairs in front of her house

En qué forma el VIH afecta la menopausia y viceversa

Atravesar la menopausia puede ser particularmente difícil para mujeres que viven con VIH

Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Provider About HIV Treatment

Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About Your HIV Treatment

HIV treatments are getting better every day. Jessica Zajesky, R.N., advises women what to ask their healthcare providers.

doctor talks with her African patient about her new medication

Conversación sobre la salud: Preguntas para tu proveedor de servicios médicos sobre tu tratamiento del VIH

Los tratamientos del VIH están mejorando todos los días Jessica Zajesky, R.N., aconseja a mujeres sobre qué preguntas hacer a sus proveedores de servicios médicos