gynecologic cancer

Margie Wilson

My Endometrial Cancer Hid in Menopause

Spotting during menopause isn’t normal. Nobody ever told me that, so I’ve dedicated my life to educating women about critical uterine health issues.

two rubber stamps with the words paraben, bisphenol A and phthalate

What Are Endocrine Disruptors?

Learn what endocrine disruptors are and how they’re related to endometrial cancer

two rubber stamps with the words paraben, bisphenol A and phthalate

¿Qué son los alteradores endocrinos?

Aprende qué son los alteradores endocrinos y cuál es su relación con el cáncer endometrial

Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer Infographic

Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Learn how to BEAT ovarian cancer by knowing the signs

elderly woman poses for a portrait photo in her home.

Black Women Have the Lowest Rates of Ovarian Cancer — But Are Less Likely to Survive the Disease

Read about ways you can help improve your chances of survival if you’re a Black woman living with ovarian cancer

elderly woman poses for a portrait photo in her home.

Las mujeres de raza negra tienen las tasas más bajas de cáncer ovárico, pero son menos propensas a sobrevivir la enfermedad

Entérate de métodos que son útiles para mejorar tus probabilidades de supervivencia si eres una mujer de raza negra que vive con cáncer ovárico

True or False: Gynecologic Cancer quiz

True or False: Gynecologic Cancer

Take our quiz to see how much you know about the cancers that affect the female reproductive system

Uterine and endometrial cancer awareness peach ribbon

Why Are Endometrial Cancer Rates Rising?

Endometrial cancer rates are rising for all women, but Black women have the worst outcomes

lavender Ribbon for cancer awareness (all kinds)

Learn About 5 Types of Gynecologic Cancer

Here’s what to know about five types of gynecologic cancers that can affect women and people assigned female at birth

true or false: cervical cancer

True or False: Cervical Cancer

Take our quiz to see how much you know about cervical cancer screening, signs of cervical cancer and other important facts

Korean woman with cancer is meeting with her doctor

Living with Endometrial Cancer

Understanding how endometrial cancer impacts daily life can help you cope

Korean woman with cancer is meeting with her doctor

Vivir con cáncer endometrial

Comprender en qué forma el cáncer endometrial afecta la vida cotidiana puede ser útil para seguir adelante

Ask the Expert: Ovarian Cancer

Ask the Expert: Ovarian Cancer

Pamela Esposito-Amery, CEO and co-founder of Tell Every Amazing Lady, talks about ovarian cancer risk factors and why it’s important to know your family history

Ask the Expert: Endometrial Cancer

Ask the Expert: Endometrial Cancer

Shawana Moore, DNP, MSN, CRNP, WHNP-BC, answers questions about endometrial cancer, signs and symptoms, and risk reduction.

Woman with cancer contemplating and relaxing at home

Why Are More Women Being Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer Later?

Rates of cervical cancer have dropped significantly in the past 50 years, but a recent uptick in diagnoses has experts concerned

Woman with cancer contemplating and relaxing at home

¿Por qué más mujeres están recibiendo diagnósticos de cánceres cervicales de etapas más avanzadas?

Las tasas de cáncer cervical han disminuido significativamente durante los últimos 50 años, pero los expertos están preocupados por un repunte reciente de diagnósticos

Schern Yung on the beach

My OB-GYN Told Me It Was Nothing to Worry About — But It Ended Up Being Ovarian Cancer

Fortunately, I wound up with a supportive team of healthcare providers who helped me get well

Tara Mulder

Living with Ovarian Cancer Was Tough, but the Lessons I Learned Led to Lasting Joy and Clarity

I learned how amazing collaborative doctors can be and I was able to prioritize what makes me happy

What You Need to Know About Ovarian Cancer

What You Need to Know About Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is a silent killer. Here’s what you need to know about what ovarian cancer is and how it’s diagnosed.

Lo que debes saber del cáncer ovárico

Lo que debes saber del cáncer ovárico

El cáncer ovárico es un asesino silencioso. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber sobre el cáncer ovárico y cómo se diagnóstica.

Telemedicine and human Uterus recovery concept

Ovarian Cancer 101: Know Your Treatment Options

A lot goes into choosing a treatment plan for ovarian cancer. Here’s what you need to know.

Telemedicine and human Uterus recovery concept

Cáncer ovárico 101: Conoce tus opciones de tratamiento

Deben considerarse muchas cosas cuando se escoge un plan de tratamiento para cáncer ovárico. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber.

Adrienne Moore

My Endometrial Cancer Was Dismissed as Fibroids

My symptoms were ignored for more than a year despite having a personal and family history of cancer

Adrienne Moore

Descartaron mi cáncer endometrial porque lo confundieron con fibromas

Ignoraron mis síntomas durante más de un año a pesar de tener antecedentes personales y familiares de cáncer