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Comprehensive Teen Health Information Now Available Online

What Parents Need to Know About Teen Health Risks

Being the parent of a teen is almost as difficult as being a teen. The "'Back-to-School' Teen Health Kit for Parents" gives parents a thorough look at the health risks faced by teenagers and helpful information on how to keep teens safe and healthy.

"Just because they're no longer toddlers, parents shouldn't think that "wellness visits" to health care professionals are no longer necessary," said Amy Niles, President and CEO of the National Women's Health Resource Center (NWHRC). "In fact, teen health check-ups are an important way for parents and teens to learn about a variety of teen health issues, such as depression, obesity, drug abuse, and smoking, as well as learn when preventive health screenings, such as blood pressure and cholesterol testing should occur."

The "Back-to-School Kit" provides a checklist for parents about the warning signs of depression and eating disorders, as well as tips to encourage teens to eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise, and make the most of their annual visit to a healthcare professional.

Parents also will appreciate the "New Trends in Teen Drug Abuse" section that discusses experimentation with and abuse of illicit drugs such as alcohol, ecstasy (MDMA), and methamphetamine; prescription pain relievers; inhalants; and over-the counter cough medicines containing dextromethorphan. An important component of the kit is "How-to Raise Healthy, Drug-Free Teens," a frank and informative question-and-answer article highlighting the views of leading experts in adolescent medicine.

"Parenting has never been more challenging," said CHPA President Linda A. Suydam, D.P.A. "That is why this comprehensive material from NWHRC is so valuable, especially now as kids are starting a new school year full of new activities and friends. The 'Back-to-School Kit' helps parents navigate the at-times precarious terrain of providing guidance to teenagers, from recognizing eating disorders and medication abuse to encouraging positive behaviors and academic performance."

The "'Back-to-School' Teen Health Kit for Parents" can be found only online at the Web site of the National Women's Health Resource Center, The production of the kit was made possible with funding from the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA). CHPA represents U.S. manufacturers and distributors of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and nutritional supplements. CHPA partners with other nonprofit organizations to produce educational content on the safe use of medicines, making those materials available at no cost on its web site,

The National Women's Health Resource Center (NWHRC) is the leading national nonprofit organization dedicated to educating women of all ages about health and wellness issues. Its programs include numerous publications including the National Women's Health Report, public education campaigns and its Web site,

For more information:
Beverly Dame, 888-406-9472

Visit the "'Back-to-School' Teen Health Kit for Parents" at

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