woman suffering from constipation


I don't poop every day. Does that mean I'm constipated?


No. Many people experience occasional irregularity, and a typical bowel movement (BM) schedule may vary from three times a day to three times a week, depending on the person.

Constipation is generally defined as having fewer than three bowel movements per week, having difficulty while passing a bowel movement, or both. Signs and symptoms of constipation include hard or lumpy stools, straining, or having a feeling of not being fully empty after a bowel movement. Some people with constipation also experience abdominal discomfort or bloating.

If your symptoms keep coming back and you're experiencing uncomfortable bowel movements, talk to your health care professional to determine how to manage your condition.

Don't worry about being embarrassed. Constipation is one of the most frequent digestive complaints in the United States—and, one of the most common reasons people visit their health care provider.

For more information, visit www.AboutYourGut.com
This program was supported by Actavis and Ironwood Pharmaceuticals.

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