pelvic conditions

Gabbie, 2024

There’s Nothing Normal About Uterine Fibroids

My heavy bleeding, anemia and severe pain were dismissed as normal for more than 30 years. Unfortunately, it’s a common experience for many Black women with fibroids.

Group of mature women doing Yoga outdoors

Your Pelvic Floor. What Is It Good for?

Learn the facts about your pelvic floor and how to strengthen pelvic floor muscles

Abstract image of female genital organs

Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About Vaginal Prolapse

This condition can be embarrassing and intrusive, but it can be treated

beautiful young woman practicing yoga to Strengthen her Pelvic Floor at home

How to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Without Kegels

Try working these alternative exercises into your routine

Top Causes of Infertility in Women

Top Causes of Infertility in Women

If you're having trouble getting pregnant, you may want to find out more about some of the most common causes of infertility in women.

woman talking to her doctor

Perspectives on Endometriosis Management

Women sometimes don't know how to talk to their doctors about the pain and problems of endometriosis. Health care providers can help guide the conversation.

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area that has been present for at least six months. Sometimes the pain may travel downward into the legs or around to the lower back. The pain may be felt all of the time or it may come and go, perhaps recurring or intensifying each month with your menstrual period. READ MORE

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) occurs when one or more organs in your pelvis—your uterus, vagina, urethra, bladder or rectum—shifts downward and bulges into or even out of your vaginal canal. READ MORE