Start Enjoying Sex Again
Are you bored with your sex life? Is your partner uninterested in sex? Get tips to make your sex life more fun.
Sep 22, 2009
May 30, 2024
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Even if every part of your body works perfectly, you still might not be terribly interested in sex or even simply bored with your sex life. Maybe you've become tired of the routine nature of sex in a long-term relationship; maybe you want sex but your partner doesn't; maybe you both want sex.
Don't focus on what he or she does or doesn't do. Try focusing on your own sensations of pleasure. Explain to your partner what areas are pleasurable and which are not and how you like to be touched. Then listen to him or her share his or her own wants and needs. Ideally, the two of you will be able to develop a plan to reignite the passion. Some suggestions to help you to start enjoying sex again:
If you find your sexual problems continue, consider professional help, either a marriage counselor or a sex therapist. Sex therapists are mental health providers trained to deal with issues around arousal, performance or sexual satisfaction. You'll do a lot of talking and sharing when you see a sex therapist. In between sessions, you and your partner will have "homework" to complete, such as learning to be intimate without having sex and rediscovering each other sexually and sensually.
To find a certified sex therapist, visit the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists at