“No one can succeed on her own. Even the savviest women need help along the way,” writers Meghan Casserly and Jenna Goudreau write in their recent Forbes.com article entitled, “Top 100 Websites for Women.” The authors pulled together a list of websites and blogs that enhance and support women's lives, and are “compelling and decidedly female-oriented content, outstanding design, an active community and frequent updates. In short, sheer clickyness.”
HealthyWomen is honored to have made the cut. The story cites HealthyWomen as “A go-to information source for women on all things health, with hard medical data and breezy lifestyle articles.” As we work to ensure all women have access to quality health and wellness information, we’re thrilled with this recognition. We are also pleased to be in the company of 99 other fabulous sites dedicated to enriching women’s lives, empowering their readership and building community.
To learn about other top women’s websites, check out the full article at: https://www.forbes.com/2010/06/23/100-best-womens-blogs-forbes-woman-time-websites.html