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Breast Screening Recommendations

New U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Guidelines (2009) Prior USPSTF Guidelines (2002) American Cancer Society Guidelines
Mammograms Age 49 and younger Age 50–74 Age 75+
No routine screening. Screening may be considered on an individual basis, depending on patient context and patient's values regarding benefits and harms.
Screening mammography every two years No recommendation
Age 40+: Screening mammogram every 1–2 years. Age 40+: Screening mammogram every year.
Digital mammography and MRI No recommendation No recommendation Recommend annual MRI for women at high risk; women at moderate risk should discuss the option with health care provider
Breast self-exam Recommends against health care providers teaching women to do self-exams No recommendation Age 20+: An option; recommend knowing how your breasts normally feel
Clinical breast exam No recommendation No recommendation Age 20–39: About every 3 years Age 40+: Annually
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