older couple hugging

Free Teleconference Aims to Improve the Sex Lives of Prostate Cancer Survivors and Their Partners

As much as prostate cancer is taxing on survivors, it also has a large effect on their loved ones. Particularly on their partners. Watching a loved one battle such an awful disease, caring for them, and being a support system can take a toll on the partner mentally, physically, and emotionally.

One area that isn't talked about enough is the sexual toll both survivors and their partners face.

Enter the Prostate Conditions Education Council. On September 23 at 7p.m. EST, it will host a free teleconference to inform female partners of prostate cancer survivors how to be intimate after treatment. Your sex life doesn't need to be put on hold post-cancer, and the council has invaluable information to prove it.

To register, call 1-866-4PROST8 or email Lindsay McBride at Lindsay.McBride@prostateconditions.org.

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